Grant Recipients, 2003-2004
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Cooperative Research Grants
1. San Gee
National Central University
Research on the Relationship between National Innovation System and Growth in Industrial Value-Added
NT$1,200,000 over 2 years
2. Kong Pin Chen
Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Science and Philology
Academia Sinica
The Choice and Consequence of the Methods of Primary Elections in Taiwan
NT$1,000,000 over 3 years
3. Yuchau E Hsiao
National Chengchi University
A Corpus Study of Metrical Structure in Chinese Verse
NT$1,000,000 over 2 years
4. Suen-der Yu
Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
Sensory Experience and Chinese Traditional Medicine
NT$2,970,000 over 3 years
5. Chih-yu Shih
National Taiwan University
Japanese Epistemology for Thinking China: A Country Pilot Project
NT$2,000,000 over 3 years
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Prasenjit Duara
The University of Chicago
The French Jesuits and Eighteenth-century China
$15,000 over 1 year
2. James Dwyer
University of Pittsburgh
SARS and Ethics: an Evaluation of Professional Duty in Taiwan
$6,500 over 1 month
3. Dennis Hickey
Southwest Missouri State University
The Making of Taiwan's Foreign Policy in the Post- Martial Law Era
$10,000 over 1 year
4. Gerald McBeath
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Biodiversity Conservation in Taiwan and China
$35,000 over 1 year
5. Peggy Miller
The University of Illinois
Socialization and Self-Construction Through Everyday Storytelling: A Comparison of Taiwanese and European-American Children
$31,973 over 1 year
6. Philip Paolino
University of North Texas
Semi-Presidentialism and Voters' Views of Divided Government in Taiwan
$13,603 over 1 year
7. Willard Peterson
Princeton University
Compilation of Volumes 5A, 5B, and 9B of the Cambridge History of China Series
$50,000 over 2 years
8. William T. Rowe
Association for Asian Studies, Inc.
CIAC Small Grants Program
$42,000 over 3 years
9. Ya-Chen Shih
The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Use of Economic Evaluation to Guide Health Care Resource Allocation in Taiwan
$41,110 over 2 years
10. Jay Taylor
Harvard University
Chiang Kai-Shek and China's Dream of a Great Nation Restored
$20,400 over 1 year
11. Mi Chu Wiens
Library of Congress
China Studies and Chinese Rare Materials in the Library of Congress
$40,000 over 1 year
B. Conference, Seminars and Workshops
1. Cornell University, The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
An-Yi Pan
Contemporary Taiwanese Art in the Era of Contention
2. Duke University
Ralph Litzinger
The Question of Asia in the New Global Order
3. Harvard University
Linguistic Society of America
Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics
C.T. James Huang
4. McGill University
Grace S. Fong
Of Trauma, Agency and Texts: Discourses on Disorder in Sixteenth - and Seventeenth - Century China, An Interdisciplinary Conference
5. Stanford University
Haun Saussy
Shakespeare in Asia: An International Conference
6. The University of British Columbia
Zhichun Jing
Social, Cultural, and Historical Dynamics of Early Chinese Civilization in Archaeological, Paleographical, Philological, and Historical Perspectives
7. University of California, Santa Barbara
Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai
Tang Xianzu and the Peony Pavilion
8. University of Minnesota
Edward Farmer
Imperial Identity: Construction and Extension of Cultural Community in the Early Modern World
9. University of Pittsburgh
Bell Yung
A Planning Workshop on Interdisciplinary Studies of Chinese Music
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Columbia University Press
Jennifer Crewe
"Written on Water" by Eileen Chang, translated by Andrew Jones
2. Columbia University Press
Jennifer Crewe
"Literary Culture in Taiwan: Martial Law to Market Law" by Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang
3. Columbia University Press
Jennifer Crewe
"Literary Relations: Essays on Chinese Fiction of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries" by Patrick Hanan
4. Duke University Press
Stephen Cohn
"Chineseness Across Borders" by Andrea Louie
5. Duke University Press
Stephen Cohn
"Envisioning Taiwan" by June Yip
6. Indiana University
Denis Sinor
"Lien Heng (1878 - 1936): Taiwan's Search for Identity and Tradition" by Professor Shu-hui Wu
7. University of Hawaii Press
Patricia Crosby
"The Magnitude of Ming: Command, Allotment and Fate in Chinese Culture" edited by Christopher Lupke
8. University of Pittsburgh
Bell Yung
Contemporary Chinese Societies: Continuity and Change, Second Edition
D. Travel Grants
1. Zu-Yang Chen
The State University of New York at Binghamton
Paper Presentation at the Third International Symposium on the Poetry of the Tang and Song Dynasties in Xian, China
2. Josephine Chiu-Duke
University of British Columbia
"Tang Wives' Predicament and Prospects"
3. Mercedes Dujunco
New York University
"The Traffic in Chaozhou Xianshi Culture: The China- Hong Kong- Thailand" Connection
4. Adrian Hsia
McGill University
Cheng Ming or Global Perspectivism
5. Rongsong Jih
U. S. National Center, MS951
The Peiyang Squadron's Approaching Formation in the Battle of Yalu, 17 September 1894
6. Mathew Stefon
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
"Lonesome Travelers: Dwight Goddard, Jack Kerouac, and an American Dharma" for presentation at Beat Meets East: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on the Age of Spontaneity
7. Bohsiu Wu
California State University, Sacramento
Cyber-crime in a Burgeoning Democracy
8. Xiao-huang Yin
Occidental College
"A Different Sensibility: Chinese-Language Literature in America" delivered at the Conference "National Boundaries and Cultural Configurations" in Singapore, June 23-25, 2004
E. Scholar Grants
1. Zong-qi Cai
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Chinese Literary Thought: Terms, Concepts, and Philosophical Foundations
$36,000 over 1 year
2. Chi-Chiang Huang
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Pilgrims, Lay Buddhists, and Buddhist Identity in the Jiang-Zhe Region during the Yuan Dynasty
$28,680 over 5 months
3. Helen Rees
University of California, Los Angeles
Resurgence of the Musical Literati: Dongjing Associations of Southwest China
$35,000 over 1 year
F. Junior Scholar Grants
1. Chiache (Eric) Chang
Michigan State University
Electoral Origins of Political Corruption in Taiwan
$13,464 over 1 year
2. Alexander Des Forges
University of Massachusetts - Boston
Living Up to One's Words: Prose Style, Social Practice, and the Category of the "Literary" in Nineteenth-century China
$19,700 over 7 months
3. Feng Li
Columbia University
The Origin and Early Development of Bureaucracy in China: The Western Zhou Government (1045-771 B.C.)
$30,000 over 1 year
4. Brett Sheehan
University of Wisconsin-Madison
"A Chinese Capitalist in Peace, War, and Revolution : Song Feiqing and the Dongya Corporation"
$30,000 over 1 year
5. O. Fiona Yap
The University of Kansas
Bargaining with the Military: Lessons from South Korea and Taiwan
$11,706 over 1 year
G. Visiting Fellowship
1. BostonAlexander Des Forges
University of Massachusetts -
Living up to One's Words: Prose Style, Social Practice, and the Category of the Literary in Nineteenth-century China
$7,300 over 4 months
2. Jane Geaney
University of Richmond
Conceptions of Writing in Early China: An Analysis of Metaphors in Warring States Texts
$10,000 over 3 months
H. Dissertation Fellowships for PhD Students
1. Nathan Batto
University of California, San Diego
Getting out of the Way: Individual and Collective Action in the Taiwanese Legislature
$15,000 over 1 year
2. Anna Bernstein
University of Chicago
Urban Planning, Public-Building, and Neighborhood Life in Taipei
$15,000 over 1 year
3. Clayton Brown
University of Pittsburgh
Making the Majority: Defining Han Identity in Chinese Ethnology and Archaeology
$15,000 over 7 months
4. Yun-Chiahn Chen
University of Chicago
From "Returning to the Past" to Antiquarianism: Song Discourse on Antiquity
$15,000 over 1 year
5. Carolyn FitzGerald
University of Michigan
Routes Through Exile and Memory: The War of Resistance and Displacement in Chinese Literature and Film, 1937-1949
$14,690 over 1 year
6. Noelle Giuffrida
The University of Kansas
Representing Zhenwu (the Perfected Warrior) in Late Imperial China
$15,000 over 1 year
7. Conal Ho
University of California, Santa Cruz
Migrancy of Liminality: Negotiating National and Cultural Belonging Among Chinese Expatriates of Ghana
$15,000 over 16 months
8. Julia Kaufman
New York University
Connections Between School Authority and Student Performance in China: An Investigation of Middle Schools in Shanghai
$15,000 over 1 year
9. Wei-Cheng Lin
University of Chicago
Building a Buddhist Sacred Mountain: Monastic Architecture in Mt. Wutai during the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
$15,000 over 1 year
10. Sara Elaine Neswald
McGill University
Discerning Diversities in Gendered Practice and Rhetoric in Late Qing Female Inner Alchemy Tracts: A Study of the Nudan Hebian
$14,920 over 1 year
11. Elizabeth McGuire
University of California, Berkeley
Children of the Revolution: Chinese Students in Soviet Russia, 1920-1970
$4,600 over 3 months
12. David Sena
University of Chicago
Reproducing Society: Kinship and Social Organization in Western Zhou China
$15,000 over 1 year
13. Phillip Stalley
George Washington University
Foreign Firms and the Implementation of Environmental Regulation in China
$14,060 over 1 year
14. Karen Thornber
Harvard University
Early Twentieth Century Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese Interactions with Japanese Literature
$15,000 over 1 year
15. Joseph Wicentowski
Harvard University
Hygiene and Power in Modern Taiwan: The Colonial and Nationalist Periods, 1895-1955
$15,000 over 1 year
I. CCK Fellowships administrated by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Diana Arghurescu
University of Montreal
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Nouvelle Traduction et Interpretation du Classique Confuceen Daxue: La Confucianisme-Pensee Ethique et Politique
$16,020 over 1 year
2. Jennifer Shya-wen Lee
University of Calgary
Dissertation Fellowship
Acceptance and Resistance: An International Comparison of High School Student's Understanding and Experience of Citizenship
$7,280 over 1 year
3. Xiaorong Li
McGill University
Dissertation Fellowship
Rewriting the Inner Chambers: The Boudoir in Ming-Qing Women's Poetry
$7,280.00 over 1 year
4. Su-mei Ooi
University of Toronto
Dissertation Fellowship
The International Dimensions of Democratization: A Comparative Study of Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore
$7,280 over 1 year
J. R.O.C. Student PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Sylvia Hui-Hsuan Chao
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Musicking under the Rising Sun: Music Culture of Taiwan in Early Japanese Colonization, 1895-1905
2. Chiung-chi Chen
University of California, Los Angeles
From the Sublime to the Obscene-Performativity of Popular Religion in Taiwan
3. Wei-chi Chen
New York University
Colonialism, Cultural Production and Modernity: Toward a Cultural History of Taiwan in the Japanese Colonial Period, 1895-1945
4. Yea-Jyh Chen
Case Western Reserve University
The Influence of Physiological Factors, Psychological Factors , and Social Support on Hospital Readmission in Discharged Patients with Chronic Obstractive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Taiwan
5. Hsi-Heng Cheng
University of Miami
A Conception of Real Kinds Derived from Peirce and Quine
6. Chi-chen Chiang
The University of Chicago
Redefining Citizenship: Taiwanese Immigrants in Urban America
7. Wen-Tsong Chiou
University of Virginia
Deciphering Human Genomics: Identity Formation, Law and Public Bioethics Debate
8. Po-Han Fong
University of Rochester
Essays on Personnel Compensation and Firm Organization: Theory and Evidence in Taiwan and in the United States
9. Li-Li Hsieh
Duke University
The Politics of Affect: Anger and Melancholy in the Works of Eileen Chang, Virginia Woolf, and Marguerite Duras
10. Alexander C.Y. Huang
Stanford University
Shakespeare on the Chinese Stages, 1902-2002: Intercultural Performance and Translation
11. Horng-Ji Lai
University of Idaho
Evaluation of WWW On-line Courseware Usability and Tools
12. Carol Chih-Chieh Lin
Duke University
Reconstruct the Taiwanese Rape Laws - By Feminist Theories and Comparative Perspectives
13. Hwa-Jen Liu
University of California at Berkeley
LABOR OR ENVIRONMENT? The Configurations of Social Movements in Two Newly Industrializing Countries, Taiwan and South Korea 1971- 2000
14. Tzu-kai Liu
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Text, Power and Personhood: Engaging Minority Identities in Post- Socialist China
15. Shiau-Chi Shen
Columbia University
Democracy and State Identity: Exploring Dual Identities in Taiwan
16. Chung-yu Shih
Northwestern University
The Book on Jacob's Ladder: The Bible and Christian Conversion Among the Jinghpo
17. Yen-Ling Tsai
University of California, Santa Cruz
Intimacies of Power: Negotiating "Chineseness" in Reformasi Indonesia
18. Joseph Tao-yi Wang
University of California, Los Angeles
Is Last Minute Bidding Bad?
19. Chu-Chu Wu
Syracuse University
Taiwanese Mothers' Beliefs About and Support for Preschoolers' Emergent Literacy
K. Taiwan Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University
1. Chin-Shou Wang
Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, entitled "Democratization and the Breakdown of Clientelism in Taiwan, 1987-2001."
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement
1. Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
Establishment of a Guest Professorship: The Transformation of the Republic of China during the Last Fifty Years
€20,200 over 1 year
2. Palacky University (Czech Republic)
Culture, Daily Life and Institutions in Late Imperial China" Course Created at Palacky University, Olomouc
€30,000 over 3 years
B. Research Grants
1. Eva Apor
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Catalogue of the Collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
€12,600 over 2 years
2. Marianne Bujard
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (France)
The Temples of Peking: Epigraphy and Oral Sources - The Social History of an Imperial Capital
€90,000 over 3 years
3. Theo Engelen
Nijmegen University (The Netherlands)
Life Course and Family in Taiwan and the Netherlands, 1860-1940
€73,950 over 2 years
4. Christian Henriot
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
The Common People and the Artist in the 1930s: An Essay in Chinese Cultural and Social Meta-History through the Visual Sources
€56,300 over 3 years
5. Julia Strauss
University of London (UK)
Security, Land, and Rice: A Comparative Study of Regime Consolidation on the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits in the 1950s
€27,000 over 2 years
C. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Bruno Coppieters
Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)
"Regional Integration, State Building and Conflict Settlement in Europe and Asia"
2. Imre Hamar
Eotvos Lorand University (Hungary)
Hua-yen Conference
3. Dieter Kuhn
University of Wurzburg (Germany)
Perceptions of Antiquity in China's Civilization
4. Nicolas Standaert
Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven (Belgium)
Court, Ritual Community, and the City: Chinese and Christian Rituality in Late Imperial Beijing
5. Roel Sterckx, David McMullen
University of Cambridge (UK)
"Food, Politics and Religion in Traditional China"
6. Frances Wood
British Library (UK)
Workshop on the Unpublished Chinese Woodslips in the British Library
7. Catherine Yeh
University of Heidelberg (Germany)
New Gender Constructs in Literature, the Visual and the Performing Arts of Modern China and Japan
D. Subsidies for Publication
1. Vibeke Bordahl
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (Denmark)
"Four Masters of Chinese Storytelling Full-length Repertoires of Yangzhou Storytelling on Video"
E. Senior Scholar Grant
1. Isabella S. Gurevich
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
The Formation of the Chinese National Language: Changes in the Vernacular Chinese Grammar during the III-XIV Centuries
€7,600 over 3 years
2. Nataliya Mamayeva
The Russian Academy of Science (Russia)
Party and Power: The Chinese Communist Party and Problems of Reform in the Political System
€15,500 over 2 years
3. Hans Ulrich Vogel
Universitat Tubingen (Germany)
The Salt Industry, Part 37 of Science and Civilization in China, Cambridge University Press
€39,600 over 1 year
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Sebastien Billioud (France)
Universite of Paris 7
The Moral Subject in the Philosophy of Mou Zongsan
€14,400 over 1 year
2. Federica Ferlanti (Italy)
Ca'Foscari University, Venice
New Life Movement, Civilian Mobilisation, and State-Building during the War of Resistance (1937-45)
€28,800 over 2 years
3. Jeesoon Hong (Korea)
University of Cambridge
Transcultural Practices of the Chinese Gentlewoman: Ling Shuhua and the Bloomsbury Group; Zhang Ailing and Vernacular Modernism
€14,400 over 1 year
4. Sylvie Hureau (France)
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
A Buddhist Ritual in China, Its Sources and Observance during the Six Dynasties
€28,800 over 2 years
5. Guillaume Jacques (France)
Universite Paris 7
A Survey of rGyalrong Dialects
€14,400 over 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Stefan Fleischauer (Germany)
Ca'Foscari University, Venice
Eberhard-Karls University
The 28th February 1947 Uprising on Taiwan and Its Influence on the Taiwan Independence Movement
€12,000 over 1 year
2. Cedric Laurent (France)
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
Narrative Paintings with Prose Literary Subjects in Ming China
€12,000 over 1 year
3. Lara Maconi (Italy)
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, France
The Question of Identity in Tibetan Contemporary Literature Written in Chinese (1950-2000)
€12,000 over 1 year
4. Xavier Paules (France)
Universite Lyon II
Opium in Guangzhou during the Republican Period, 1912-38
€10,200 over 1 year
5. Anselm Stolte (Switzerland)
Universitat St. Gallen
Securities Investment Funds in China's Economic Reforms
€11,600 over 1 year
6. Josh Yiu (Hong Kong)
University of Oxford
Wugong: The Chinese Altar Set
€12,000 1 year
H. R.O.C. Student Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
1. Chan, Ling-ching
University of Manchester (UK)
Accounting Conservatism, Earning Quality, and Firm Valuation
2. Chang, Pei-heng
Universite d'Aix-Marseille III
The Consequences of Breach of Contract in Chinese law and French Law
3. Chen, Hsiang-yin
University of Cambridge (UK)
Conflicts between Patriarchal Morality and Female Sexuality in Prose of Vittoriia Tokareva and Tie Ning-Russian and Chinese Women's Writing
4. Chen, Shu-chuan
University of Warwick (UK)
Getting Healed from a Globalised Age: A Study of the New Age Movement in Taiwan
5. Hsieh, Kuo-lien
University of Edinburgh (UK)
Freedom of Information in the European Union
6. Huang, Tsui-ling
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Valores culturales predominantes en la traduccion de marcas comerciales al Chino
7. Lee, Amy Pei-jung
University of Essex (UK)
A Typological Study on Reduplication in Formosan Languages
8. Lee, Ming-tsung
University of Cambridge (UK)
Japan in Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Politics: Transnational Media, Cross-cultural Consumption, and Hybridized Identities Formation
9. Leou, Chia-feng
University of London (UK)
Regime Shift on Taiwan-Non-performing Loans (NPL's) and Changing Political Economy
10. Lin, Chiung-chu
University of Essex (UK)
The Process of Realignment, Taiwan's Party System, 1986-2002
11. Peng, Jen-yu
Universite Paris VII Denis Diderot (France)
Trauma, Remembering and Healing-Thinking the Psycho-trauma with Psychoanalytical Theories and Clinical Practices
12. Wang, Shih-ping
University of Nottingham (UK)
Corpus-Based Approaches to Sound Symbolism, Reduplication and Fixed Expression
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Lance Eccles
Centre for Chinese Studies, Macquarie University (Australia)
Nestorian Mission and Art in Central Asia and China: An Historical Investigation
$32,000 over 2 years
2. James H. Liu
Centre of Applied Cross-Cultural Research, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
Realistic Conflict and Chinese Identity Politics: Implications of Domestic and International Situations for Taiwan
$108,000 over 3 years
3. Liping Du
Department of Chinese Studies, The University of Melbourne (Australia)
Traditional Medicines and Medicine Markets in China
$22,000 over 2 years
4. Anne E. McLaren
Institute of Asian Languages and Societies, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Readership for Novels and Pays in Ming-Qing China
$42,000 over 3 years
5. Jon Eugene von Kowallis
Institute of Asian Languages, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Ideology and Literature: A Study of Contemporary Chinese Literature from the Perspective of Cultural Poetics
$45,000 over 3 years
6. A. R. Welch
Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney (Australia)
Building Global Universities: University Internationalisation in Mainland China and Taiwan
$90,000 over 2 years
7. Jin Guantao
Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Confucian Traditions and the Politico-Cultural Transformation of China, Japan and Korea in the Nineteenth Century: A Comparative Study
$30,000 over 2 years
8. Chonho Kim
Department of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang Women's College (Korea)
Comparative Study on the Dietary Culture in Korea and the Nationalities of the Northeastern Region in China
$20,000 over 2 years
B. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Hsin-chi Kuan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
International Conference on "The State of Contemporary China
C. Subsidy for Publication Grant
1. Hiromitsu Ogawa
University of Tokyo
Publication of Dream Journey: The World of Chinese Landscape Painting
2. R.O.C. Student Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships In Australia, Japan and New Zealand
3. Liao, Wen-shuo
University of Sydney (Australia)
Visualizing the Body as Chinese Modernity, 1850-1950
4. Yen, Fang-tzu
Griffith University (Australia)
Gender, Reproductive Health and Development in a Kam Family-Planning Village, Guizhou, S. W. China