Grant Recipients, 1997-1998
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Chien-lin Chou
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Needs, Welfare Choices and Institutional Arrangements in Modern Taiwan
2. Ya-cho Chuan
National Chung Cheng University
Research Program of Taiwan, Japan and France's Cooperative Studies on Japanese-Chinese Novel
3. Mou-chu Hsu
Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Loss Experiences of Widows in Taiwan and the United States
4. Wen-fu Lai
Taipei Medical College
The Effects on Primary Medical Care after the Centralization of Medical Resources in Taiwan Area: The Comparison of Taiwan and Ohio State Medical Care Models
5. Fang-shang Lu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Research on Women in Modern Chinese History
6. Ying-kuen Yeh
Taipei Medical College
Pattern of Distress in Divergent Chinese Communities: Trams-Pacific Comparisons
B. Database Grants
1. Tze-yu Shih
National Taiwan University
The Cultural Revolution Documented on CD-ROM: Catalogs and Indexes
2. Gi-lang Su
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Complilation of the Late Professor Yen Keng-Wang's Manuscripts for Publication
3. Shi-yeong Tang
Sun Yat-sen Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
A Compilation of Historical Materials on Shipwreck in China Sea during Modern period Collected from China, Japan, Korea and Okinawa
4. Chien-ming Yu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Research on Women in Modern Chinese History
C. Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
1. French Research Center on Contemporary China
Chin-wen Kao
The Developments of Contemporary Taiwan and Its Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, the Asia
2. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
Cheng-kuang Hsu
The Forth International Conference on Hakka Studies
3. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Kuan-chung Huang
New Ssu K'u Ch'uan shu Electronic Database
D. Publication Subsidies
1. National Cheng-chi University
Nen-shih Lin
History of Chinese with an American Education: 150 Years of Learning and Achievements
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. California State University at Long Beach
Hsing-sheng Chang Kao
Faculty Development for a B.A. Degree in Chinese Studies: Funding Request for An Assistant Prof. Of Cultural & Sociological Studies
2. Duke University
Jing Wang
Institutional Enhancement for Chinese Studies at Duke University
3. University of Calgary
John Ferris
A Proposal for A tenure Track Position in Chinese Civilisation and History at the University of Calgary
B. Research Grants
1. Cameron Campbell
University of California at Los Angeles
Marriage and Remarriage in Northeast China during the Qing
2. Elisabetta Corsi
El Colegio de Mexico
Nien Hsiyao's Contribution to Art and Science during the K'ang-Hsi and Yung-Cheng Periods
3. Edward Friedman
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Democracy and the Asianization of the World
4. Irwin Garfinkel
Columbia University
The Rise in Single Parent Families in Taiwan: Implications for Policy Development
5. Dennis Hickey
Southwest Missouri State University
East Asian Armies: Japan, China, Taiwan and the Koreas
6. Yufan Hao
Colgate University
Local Bureaucracy and Regional Autonomy: A Study of Two Chinese Provinces
7. Yafei Li
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Writing the Syntax of Chinese under Contract with the Cambridge University Press
8. Rishard Madsen
University of California at San Diego
Middle Class Chinese Religions in Taiwan
9. Mike Mochizuki
Brookings Institution
The New Strategic Triangle: China, Japan, and the US
10. Peter Moody
University of Notre Dame
The Conservative Tendency in Contemporary Chinese Political Thought
11. Anna Lee Saxenian
University of California at Berkeley
Transnational Entrepreneurs and Regional Industrialization: The Silicon Valley-Hsinchu Connection
12. Yung-mei Tsai
Texas Tech University
Panel Study of Income Dynamics in Taiwan: A Further Follow-up and a New Beginning
13. Ruey Tsay
University of Chicago
Impacts of Economic Development on Social Behavior in Taiwan
14. T. Y. Wang
Illinois State University
The 1995-9 Crisis in the Taiwan Strait: Causes, Dynamics and Policy Implications
15. Mi Chu Wiens
Library of Congress
A Research Guide to the Naxi Manuscripts in the Library of Congress
16. Shu-hui Wu
Columbus State University
Lien Heng (1878-1936): Taiwan's Search for Identity and Tradition under Japanese Colonial Rule
17. Mayfair Yang
University of California at Santa Barbara
Public Sphere and Media Reception in Taiwan and Mainland China
18. Wendy Zeldin
Library of Congress
A Guide to Legal Publications in Taiwan
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Peter Chow
China (mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)Entering the 21st Century
2. Kenneth Dean
McGill University
Conference on Regional Ritual Systems in China
3. Joshua Fogel
University of California at Santa Barbara
The Role of Japan in the Transmission ofModern Western Ideas to China: The Case of Liang Ch'I-ch'ao
4. Georg Iggers
SUNY at Buffalo
Turning Points in Historical Thinking: A Comparative Perspective
5. Thor Ronay
George Washington University
PRC in Transition Program-Program on Transitions toDemocracy Elliott School of International Affairs
6. Andy Sun
Asia Pacific Legal Institute
International Judicial Exchange & Panel on Intellectual Property and Dispute Settlement to the 68th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association
7. David Der-wei Wang
Columbia University
From the Late Ming to the Late Qing: Dynastic Decline and Literary Innovation
8. Ann YUE-Hashimoto
University of Washington
Linguistic Change and the Chinese Dialects:An International Symposium Dedicated tothe Memory of the Late Professor LI Fang-kuei
9. Longxi Zhao
University of California at Riverside
Canon and Commentary: An International Conferenceon the Chinese Hermeneutic Tradition
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Atlantic Council of the United States
Alfred Wilhem
Stability in East Asia to 2010 (1997 Senior Fellows Program Research--Compilation of Papers)
2. Cambridge University Press
Mary Child
The State, Local Elites, and Social Transformation in China: Henan, 1900-1937, by Xin Zhang, to be published in the Cambridge Modern China Series
3. Cambridge University Press
Mary Child
Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yuan China (960-1368) by Bettine Birge, to be published in the Cambridge Studies in Chinese
4. Journal of Chinese Linguistics
Richard VanNess Simmons
Monograph: Issues in Chinese Dialect Description and Classification
5. State University of New York Press
Nancy Ellegate
The Inscripted Subject: Tradition, Identity and Gender in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy by Stephen J. Goldberg
6. University of Washington Press
Naomi B. Pascal
Stories Old and New, complied and edited by FengMenlong, translated and annotated by Shuhui Yang and Yunqin Yang
E. Travel Grants
1. Carlton Benson
Pacific Lutheran University
Back to Business as Usual: The Enforced Resurgence of Commercial Radio in Gudao Shanghai
2. Joshua Fogel
University of California at Santa Barbara
The Japanese Community of Shanghai, 1937-45
3. Ikumi Kaminishi
Tufts University
In-Between Transformations Research in Buddhist Art at Dunhuang
4. Mary Roehm
SUNY at New Paltz
East/West Ceramic Artist Exchange and Study Tour the Yixing International Ceramic Art Conference, and the Chinese Experience: Ceramic Art and Symposium
5. Wei Shang
Columbia University
Ritual, Ritual Manuals and Crisis of the Confucian World: An Interpretation of the Unofficial History of the Scholars
6. Angela Zito
Barnard College
Body, Gender, and Belief in China
F. Senior Scholar Grants
1. R. David Arkush
University of Iowa
"Folk Tales and Mental World of North Chinese Villagers" (a book)
2. Sherman Cochran
Cornell University
The Marketing of Medicine and the Spread of Consumer Culture in TwentiethCentury China
3. Myron L. Cohen
Columbia University
Meinung during Ch'ing: The Historical Anthropology of a Community
4. Wai-yee Li
Princeton University
The Readability of the Past in Early ChineseHistoriography
5. George McConkie
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Chinese Reading: A Study of the PerceptualProcesses
6. Nathan Sivin
University of Pennsylvania
Logos and Tao: Early Natural Philosophy and Sciencein China and Greece
7. Wen-hsin Yeh
University of California at Berkeley
Golden Illumination: Classical Scholarship and RevolutionaryPolitics in Mao's ChinaClassical Scholarship and RevolutionaryPolitics in Mao's China
G. Walter Judd Grant
1. David Shambaugh
George Washington University
The Chinese Military in the 1990s
H. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Asaf Goldschmidt
University of Pennsylvania
Medical Revolutios or the Revival of the Classics: The Transformation of Medicine during the Northern Song Dynasty, China 960-1127
2. Thomas McGrath
Cornell University
Provincial Militarism and Foreign Relations: Yunan's Extra-Provincial Relations and Internal Consequences, 1912-49
3. Charlene Makley
University of Michigan
Gendered Practices and Monastic Revitalization among Tibatans in the PRC
4. Yiching Wu
University of Chicago
The Market and the Reconstruction of Intellectual Identities in Contemporary China
I. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Yixin Chen
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
State and Agriculture in Republican China, 1927-1949
2. Catherine Farris
University of Northern Iowa
Language and Gender Socialization in a Chinese Elementary School in Taiwan
3. Yunxiang Yan
University of California at Los Angeles
Private Life under Socialism: Individuality and Family Change in Rural North China
J. CCK Fellowships Administered by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Kenneth Boutin
York University
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Semi-Rivals: Constraits on the Foreign and Economic Policies of the ROC and the the PRC
2. Ann-Marie Broudehoux
University of California at Berkeley
Dissertation Fellowship
Modernity "with Chinese Characteristics": Urban Redevelopment and Identity Politics in Post-Mao Beijing
3. Alison Ruth Marshall
University of Toronto
Dissertation Fellowship
Popular and Classic Shamansism in Lin-Hwai-min's Nine Songs
4. Mary Mei-ju Young
York University
Dissertation Fellowship
The Restructing of Agriculture and Food Production in Taiwan and Indonesia
K. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Shin-yi Chao
University of British Columbia
The Zhenwu Cult in Ming-Qing Society
2. Pi-yen Chen
University of Chicago
Morning and Evening Service: The Practice of Ritual, Music,and Doctrine in the Chinese Buddhist Monastic Community
3. Changhui Chi
Boston University
The Politics of Deification in Quemoy, 1949-1996
4. Hui-wan Cho
University of Virginia
Taiwan Re-enters the World Stage: Significance of Multilateralism for an Unrecognized State
5. Yun-tsai Jessica Chou
George Washington University
The Policy Mandates and Their Efficacy in Restructuring the Telecommunications Sector: The Transaction-Cost Approach Applied in a Cross-National Study
6. Chi-nien Chung
Stanford University
Markets, Culture, and Institutions: Business Groups in Taiwan'sEconomic Development, 1960s-1990s
7. Miao-lin Hsu
University of Pittsburgh
Chu Bronze Mirrors: Guardians of the Grave
8. Chen-ying Huang
Harvard University
Essays on Coalition Formation, Preemption, and Learning
9. Yuelin Li
Columbia University
Overconfidence and Goals: The Effect of Scoring Feedback,Its Transfer and a Test of the Precision-Accuracy Tradeoff
10. Fu-Chia-Wen Lien
City University of New York
Decoration and Handicraft: Re-visioning 1970 s Feminist Art
11. Li-min Liou
University of California at Los Angeles
The Alienated Intelligentsia: The Battle to Modernize and the Role of 1900 Generation
12. Chung-I Lin
University of Iowa
Translation, interpretation, and the First Person—An Examination on Quine's and Davidson's Theories of Meaning
13. Chen-sheng Liu
University of California at Irvine
Anaphoricity and Logophorieity in Chinese and the Interaction between Parallelism and Economy
14. Hsin-yi Lu
University of Washington
Crafting Identity in the Modern Era: Folklore, Cultural Representations, and the Construction of Local Identities in Contemporary Taiwan
15. Huey-fen Lu
Harvard University
Traditional Family Structure in a Modern Society: Marital Power in Taiwan
16. Chiung-chu Wang
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Learning to Read Chinese: Role of Phonological Awareness and Morphological Awareness
17. Horng-luen Wang
University of Chicago
Imagining the Nation: State, Culture, and Globalization in Taiwan
18. Wei-jen Wen
University of Wisconsin at Madison
A Model of Fighter Brands
19. Chien-min Yang
Columbia University
Between Confrontation and Cooperation: The Paradox of National Identity in Taiwan in the 1990s
20. Yu-chun Yang
Princeton University
Jin Ping Mei Revisited: Xu Jin Ping Mei & Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan as the Seventeenth-Century's Responses
A. Special Projects
1. University of Pittsburgh
C. Montgomery Broaded
Explanations from the Past: Continuity and Change in Contemporary Chinese Culture ( An Interactive Curriculum Project)
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Charles University
Lucie Borotova
Enhancement of the Course of Chinese Art History
Rudolf G. Wagner
Sinological Serials in European Libraries Project (continuation)
3. Eotvos Lorand University
Ferenc Tokei
The Development of Chinese Studies in Hungary
4. London School of Economics and Political Science
Stephan Feuchtwang
London School of Economics Anthropology of China Research Programme
B. Research Grants
1. Leonard Blusse
Leiden University
The Archive of Kongkoan or the Chinese Council of Batavia
2. Theo Engelen
University of Nijmegen
Population and Society in Taiwan and the Netherlands
3. David Faure
Oxford University
Local Society and Government in the Ching Dynasty
4. Stephan Jones
University of London
Folk Music of Northern China
5. Christian Lamouroux
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
Water Control and Social Organization in North China
6. Kristofer Schipper
Leiden University
The Tempels of Peking: Towards a Cultural History
7. Susan Whitfield
British Library
The International Dunhuang Project: Database Expansion
8. Pierre-Etienne Will
College de France
A Descriptive Bibliography of Handbooks and Aids for Officials in Imperial China
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Eberhard Knobloch
Technische Universitat Berlin
8th International Conference on the History of Science in China
2. Bonnie S. McDougall
University of Edinburgh
The Congress of European Association of Chinese Studies
D. Publication Subventions
1. Charles University
Oldrich Kral
The Czech Translation of "Wen Hsin Tiao Lung"
2. Polish Academy of Sciences
Maria R. Slawinski
The History of Taiwan
3. Russian Academy of Sciences
R. A. Mirovitskaya
Chinese Statehood and Soviet Politics in China. The Period of Pacific War. 1941-1945
4. Russian Academy of Sciences
N. L. Mamayeva
The Comintern and Kuomintang, 1919-1929
5. Stockholm University
N. G. D. Malmqvist
Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry from Taiwan
E. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Dusan Andrs
Charles University
Chinese Literary Criticism 1906-1916
2. Valery A. Barmin
Teacher's Training University
The Policy of the Soviet Union in Sinkiang, 1918-1949
3. Sui-wai Cheung
Oxford University
Grain Tribute Transport and the Development of the Grain Market in 18th Century China
4. Ruth Anne Herd
Oxford University
Shimpa and the Rise of Modern Chinese Drama: Japan's Influence on Early Modern Chinese Drama
5. Rainier Lanselle
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
Allusive's Effectiveness: From Literature to Political Behaviour-Multi-Level Readings in the Critical Work of Chin Sheng-t'an (1610-1661)
6. Bengt Pettersson
Stockholm University
Recordings of Cannibalism in the Dynastic Histories
7. Natacha Stupar
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Central Administration and Legal Aspects of the Government of Buddhism in Late Ching China
8. Yu-shuang Yao
King's College, London
The Appeal of Tzuchi Buddhist Movement from Taiwan
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Anna Ghiglione
University of Paris & Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
The Philosophical Imlications of Look and Light in the I-Ching and Its Literature
2. Carine Guerassimoff
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
Mainland Chinese Labour Migration in Europe and in Asia at the End of the 20th Century
3. Donatella Guida
University of Naples
Traveling through Reality and Fantasy in Southeast Asia: Seeing Southern Peoples through the Eyes of Ming and Ching Historiography and Literature
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grant
1. Auckland Institute of Technology
John Hinchcliff
Creating the Auckland Chinese Centre
2. Australian National University
Anthony Reid
Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora
B. Research Grants
1. Hilary M. Chappell
La Trobe University
A Semantic Typology of Sinitic Languages
2. Cheng Hai Chew
Nanyang Technological University
The Clan Associations and Localization of Singapore Chinese Society: A Case Study of the Inscriptions and Archival Documents of Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng
3. S. N. Eisenstadt
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Public Spheres, Collective Identities and Social Reflexivity in the Formation of Modernity in China, India and Japan
4. Wee-lee Woon
Nanyang Technological University
Chinese Dialects in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan: Their Recent Development and Geographical Distribution
5. Chia Siow Yue
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
History of Nation Building in Southeast Asia--The Chinese Experience with the Nationalisms in the Region
6. Mitsuru Wakabayashi
Nagoya University
Managerial Skills for Globalizing Taiwanese Business: In Comparison with Japanese and Chinese Managers
C. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Peter Bellwood
Australian National University
16th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
D. Subsidy for Publication Grant
1. Australian National University
Germie R. Barme
Art in Exile, a Life of Feng Zikai (1898-1975)