Grant Recipients, 1991-1992
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Tsun-wu Chang
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Overseas Chinese in the Philippines:A Survey of Sources
2. Chiu-Yu Cheng
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Independence of Tonal Features in Chinese
3. Teh-yuan Cheng
Hwakang Arts School
The Study of Chinese Music in the United States
4. Te-Fu Huang
National Cheng-chi University
The Political Counter-Elite in Prewar Mainland China and Taiwan 1919~45): A Comparative Study
5. Gregory James
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
An Annotated Critical Edition of the Dizionario Portoghese-Cinese(c.1583) by Matteo Ricci and Michele Ruggieri, with the Assistance of Chung Ming-jen("Brother Sebastian")
6. Lun Ngai-ha Ng
The Chinese University Hong Kong
A Database of Traditional Chinese Texts of Wei-jin and the Northern and Southern Dybasties (220-589 AD)
7. Benjamin Tsou
City University of Polytechnic of Hong Kong
Language Variation in Chinese Communities: Database and Comparative Study
8. Cheng-sheng Tu
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
A Short History of the Bronze Age Collection of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm
9. Ch'iu-kuei Wang
National Tsing Hwa University
Chinese Regional Theatre in Its Social and Ritual Contexts
10.Shu-Hwei Wang
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Women in Modern Chinese History
11. Ching-tsuen Yi
Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
Development of Private Colleges:AStudy of Institutional Transition
B. Publication Subsidies
1. Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Shu-Hwei Wang
Women in Modern Chinese History
2. National Cheng-chi University
Shih-shung Yang
A Project on Chinese Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Life
3. Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
Publication of Sheng Hsuen-huai Papers
C. Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
1. National Normal University
Wu-Dien Wu
Series of Conference on Special Education
2. National Taiwan University
Shou-jon Chang
International Symposium on the History of Taiwan during Japanese Rule 1895-1945
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Augustana College
Don Erickson
Enhancing the Study of Chinese Language and Literature
2. Colby University
Lee Feigon
Staff Expansion for Chinese Art Instruction
3. College of William and Mary
Howard M. Fraser
New Faculty in Chinese Language and Literature
4. Columbia University
Ping-sheng Yen Chin
Establishment of the Dr. Y.C. James Yen Archives in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Columbia University
5. National Humanities Center
W. Robert Connor
Chiang Ching-kuo Visiting Scholars at the National Humanities Center
6. North Carolina State University
Jonathan Ocko
Years Support for Lecturer in Chinese at North Carolina State University
7. Rice University
Richard Smith
Proposal for a three-year faculty position in Chinese Literature with an emphasis on Buddhism
8. Rutgers University
Ching-I Tu
Staff Expansion and Curricular Development in Chinese Studies
9. State University of New York at Albany
Charles Hartman
Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese Language and Literature
10. State University of New York at Binghamton
John Chaffee
Expansions of Chinese Language Instruction for the Liberal Arts and Management
11. Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
Fernando Torres de la Torre
Programs in Chinese Studies
12. University of Alabama
Ronald Robel
Staff Expansion in Asian Studies-Humanities
13. University of British Columbia
Pitman Potter
Enhancement of Resources For Teaching the Law of Taiwan, Republic of China, at University of British Columbia Law Faculty
14. University of Colorado at Boulder
Paul W. Kroll
Faculty Enhancement for Chinese Program
15. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Thomas R. H. Havens
New Teaching Position in Traditional Chinese Literature
16. University of Montana
Philip West
The Enhancement of Teaching Resources In Chinese Studies And The Professional Exchange With The Republic of China
17. University of Notre Dame
David Ladouceur
Enhancing Chinese Studies at Notre Dame
18. University of Victoria
Joseph Kess
Seed Money to Establish a Position in Chinese Language and Linguistics
B. Research Grants
1. Bruce H.Billing
History of Technology in Taiwan in the Early 1900's- Straw Rope/Bag and Sisal Industry
2. Jo-shui Chen
University of British Columbia
The Confucian Revival in Mid-T'ang China (750-850)) and the Origins of Neo-Confucianism
3. Yu-shih Chen
University of Alberta
Women as Object of Ideology: Old Spectacle and New Social Space
4. John F. Copper
Rhodes College
Political Development and the "Ethnic" Problem in the Republic of China
5. Antonio S. Cua
Catholic University of America
Tradition, Virtues and Principles: Toward a Confucian Theory
6. Rita S. and Bernard Gallin
Michigan State University
Development and Chang in Rural Taiwan: A Longitudinal Micro Study in Macro Perspective
7. John W. Garver
Georgia Institute of Technology
The United States-Republic of China Alliance, 1950-1978
8. T.H.Gindling
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
The Nine Year Compulsory Education Policy and the Development of Human Resources Taiwan; 1976-1989
9. Norman Giradot
Lehigh University
James Legge (1815-1897) and the Victorian Encounter with China
10. Melvin J. Hinich
University of Texas at Austin
A Spatial Analysis of Electoral Competion in Taiwan
11. Jae-Dong Han
University of Western Ontario
Monetary History of Modern China I: The Postwar Era
12. Marilyn Levine
Lewis Clark State University
The Kuo Min Tang in Europe During the Twenties
13. Robert Lipsey
National Bureau of Economic Research
Changing Methods of Taiwan's Entry Into World Markets
14. Jonathan K. Ocko
North Carolina State University
Finding Common Ground: Mediation in Chinese Society
15. Frank Shulman
"Doctoral Dissertations on China and on Inner Asia, 1976-1990: A Bobliography of Studies in Western Languages." Compiled and Edited by Frank Joseph Shulman, with contributions by P. Polansky & Anna Shulman
16. Cecile Sun
University of Pittsburgh
The Lyrical Scene: Chinese Perspective on Poetry Comparing Chinese and Anglo-American Poetry
17. Pang-Hsin Ting
University of California at Berkeley
The Phonology of the Oracle Bone Inscriptions
18. David Der-wei Wang
Columbia University
Chinese Literary Modernization: 1851-1937
19. E. Leong Way
University of California at San Francisco
Science and Civilization in China-Pharmacy and Pharmacology
20. Thomas Wilson
Hamilton College
Canonizing (ts'ung) the Sages in the Confucian Temple (K'ung Miao) and Neo-Comfucian Construction of the Confucian Tradition of the Tao (Tao t'ung)
21. Shawn Wong
University of Washington
Chinese Immigration And Naturalization Service Records Data Base Project for Seattle, Washington
22. David Y.H. Wu
East-West Center
Chinese Childhood Socialization:Comparative Study of Chinese Cultural Indentity in Asia and in the United States
23. S.S.G. Wu
Texas A&M University
China's Security Decision-Making: To Use or Not to use Force in the Domestic and International Arenas
24. Anne Yue-Hashimoto
University of Washington
Lexical Diffusion in Chinese Grammar
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Claudia Brown
Phoenix Art Museum
International Symposium: Painting at the close of China's Empire, 1796-1911
2. Samuel Chang-ling Chu
Ohio State University
The Continuing Relevance of Traditional Chinese Institutions and Values in the Context of Modern China: From Yuan Dynasty to the Republican Period (13th to 20th Centuries)
3. Michael LaFargue
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Two Seminars, Comparing Pre-Han Confucian and Taoist Classics to Several New Testaments Writings, and to Several Platonic Dialogues, Respectively
4. Charles Le Blanc
University de Montreal
Joint European-American Committee for Cooperation in East Asian Studies: Civil Society in Modern Asia
5. Paul Liu
University of Washington
The Conference on Environmental Law and Management
6. Hsiao-peng Lu
University of California at Los Angeles
Second Conference of the American Association of Chinese Comparative Literature "Rethinking Critical Theory and Chinese Literary Studies"
7. Peter Sturman
University of California at Santa Barbara
"Interpreting the Mountain in Medieval China" - An Interdisciplinary Humanities Conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara
8. Paul Michael Taylor
National Museum of Natural History
"Hell Scrolls" of Taiwan: Proposed Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition with Public Programs
9. Ellen Widmer
Yale University
Women and Literature in Ming-Qing China
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Princeton University Press
Margaret Case
Publication of Wai-yee Li, Enchantment and disenchantment: Love and Illusion in Chinese Literature
2. Princeton University Press
Margaret Case
Publication of Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults in Southeast China By Kenneth Dean
3. Wellesley College
Edward Gulick
Publication subsidy for the book-length manuscript --"Glimpses into pre-Maoist China: a photo-memoir of the 1930's
E. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Yuan-ling Chao
University of California at Los Angeles
Medicine and the Transmission of Knowledge in Late Imperial China: Physicians from Suzhou
2. Lucille Chia
Columbia University
Commercial Printers of the Yianyang Area (Fujian), Song-Ming
3. Sarah E. Fraser
University of California at Berkeley
The Artist's Practice in Tang Dynasty China and How New Stylistic and Technical Trends Found in Dunhuang Sketchbooks Reflect Culture
4. Kristine M. Harris
Columbia University
Children of Troubled Times: Nation, Gender and the Emergent Film Culture of Modern China:1925-1937
5. Christopher M. Isett
University of California at Los Angeles
Agricultural History of Manchuria and South China: A Comparative Study of Cropping Systems
6. Teri J. Silvio
University of Chicago
Televised Folk Opera, Spectatorship, and Gender Identity in Taiwanese Culture
7. Dorothy C. Wong
Harvard University
Public Religious Monuments: Chinese Buddhist Steles of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-581)
8. Lydia Miin-Ling Yu
New York University
The Impact of the Soviet Experience on Chinese Students in the USSR, 1921-1935
9. Fang Zhu
Columbia University
Civil-military Relations in Mao's China
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Robert F. Campany
Indiana University
Chinese Accounts of the Strange (zhi-guai) and Local Shrines and Temples in the Early Medieval Period
2. Grace S. Fong
McGill University
Between Gender and Genre: The Flight of the Feminine in Premodern Chinese Poetry
3. Norman Girardot
Lehigh University
James Legge (1815-1897) and the Victorian Encounter with China
4. Thomas G. Rawski
University of Pittsburgh
Reform and Innovation in Chinese Industry
5. Gilbert F. Rozman
Princeton University
Regionalism and Realignment in Northeast Asia
6. Lyman P. Van Slyke
Stanford University
The Life and Death of Liang Chi (1859-1918)
7. Daniel B. Stevenson
Butler University
The Rites of the Four Samadhis in Chinese Tien-tai Buddhism
G. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Mei-chih Laura Chang
University of Hawaii
The Representation and the Parametric Variations of Tones in Chinese Language: A Prosodic Theory of Tone
2. Chyi-mei Chen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
An Equilibrium Model for Price Changes and Trading Volume: with Evidence of Taiwan Stock Market
3. Daniel Shiangyen Chen
University of Virginia
Transfer of U.S. Technolgy to other Countries: Law and National Security of U.S. Unilateral Export Controls and Cocom Multilateral Export Controls
4. Jingmei Chen
University of California at Los Angeles
The Dream World of the Yearning Maidens: A Reception Study of the Peony Pavilion among Women in the Late Imperial China
5. Mingder Chung
New York University
The Aesthetics and Politics of the Little Theatre Movement in Taiwan
6. Chen-ray Fang
Johns Hopkins University
Corporate Investment in the Newly Industrialized Countries: Evidence from Taiwanese Firms
7. Wen-Rwei Hsu
Columbia University
Autonomy and Integration
8. Jinlin L. Huang
University of California at Los Angeles
Symbol, Value, and Power: A Cultural Study of the May Fourth Discourse, 1915-1923
9. Anchi Lin
Harvard University
Expanding through Non-Economic Linkage: Social and Cultural Bases of Private Corporate Expansion in Taiwan
10. Liyu Lin
Northwestern University
The Rationality of Voting: A Case Study of Taiwan
11. The-chang Lin
Northern Illinois University
Communist China's Foreign Aid Policy: A Theoretical Analysis
12. Wen-cheng Lin
Tufts University
Political Integration and Democratization: the Case of Taiwan
13. Yu-chen Lin
University of Minnesota
The Poetics of Alterity in James Joyce's Ulysses
14. Ch'iu-ti Liu
Yale University
Passionate Enlightenment: Love and Knowledge in Ming and Qing Conversion Stories
15. Tai-Hwa Emily Lu
University of Oregon
Adaptive Behavior of the Mentally Retarded in Taiwan, ROC
16. Shuh-ren Mao
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Legal Aspect of Outbound Investment in Taiwan
17. Wen-Yeu Wang
Stanford University
Corporate Investment Company Versus Unitary Investment Fund: An Evaluation of Governance Structure and International Competitiveness
18. Agnes Chew-chung Wu
University of Iowa
A Cross-cultural, Cross-national Study of the Family Caregiver Burden of a Severly Mentally Ill Member
19. Cynthia Hsin-feng Wu
Harvard University
"If Triangles were Circles…."- A Study of Counterfactuals in Chinese and in English
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Leiden University
W. L. Idema
Dr. Hu Shih Visiting Professorship
2. Maison Rhone-Alpes des Sciences de l'Homme
Christian Henriot
Taiwan Area Documentation and Research Project
3. South Bank Polytechnic
John G. Taylor
Development and Improvement of Teaching and Research on the Republic of China
4. University of Durham
K. L. Pratt
Research Fellowship in Chinese Art and Archaeology
5. University of Durham
K. L. Pratt
Durham University Library Enhancement
6. University of Heidelberg
Rudolf G. Wagner
Distinguished Lectureship: Culture and Society in Contemporary
7. University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
Ian McMorran
China and Other Countries in the Zone of Chinese Influence in the Seventeenth Century: Development of the Seventeenth-Century East Asian Research Centre
8. University of Wien
Erich Pilz
Modern China: Social and Intellectual History Library Acquisitions
B. Research Grants
1. Myriam Bongers
Royal Museum of Art and History
Research on Album of 70 Portraits of Famous Chinese Personalities
2. Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard
University of Copenhagen
Danish-Chinese Relations, 1723-1990
3. Roland Felber
Humboldt-Universitat Berlin
Images of Germany as Reflected by Chinese Intellectuals during the First Half of the 20th Century Studies and Documentation
4. Georges Goormaghtigh
University of Geneva
Major Texts and Themes of the Art of the Qin
5. Alan Hunter
University of Leeds
Religion in Modern China
6. Francoise Kreissler
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Central European Refugees in Shanghai, 1933-1949
7. A. V. Pantsov
Russian Academy of Sciences
Leon Trotsky and the Chinese Revolution (The History of the Trotskyist Movement in China)
8. L. S. Perelomov
Russian Academy of Sciences
Publication of "LUN-YU" in Russian with Textological Researches, Commentaries, Parallel Comparisons and A Thorough Analysis of the Part Played by Confucius in the Chinese Spiritual Culture
9. D. Rimmington
University of Leeds
Research on the Contemporary Theatre of Taiwan
C. Publication Subventions
1. Bibliotheque Nationale
Monique Cohen
Impressions de Chine(A Millennium of Chinese Printing)
2. Monumenta Serica Institute
Roman Malek
Publication of the General Index to Monumenta Serica, Journal of Oriental Studies, Vols. I-XXXV
D. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Johannes Ludwig Kurz
University of Heidelberg
Confidence in the Beginning, Doubt in the End: The "Faction" as An Organizing Principle in the Sung Historiography on the Southern T'ang
2. Peirre Kaser
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
The Vernacular Fiction of Li Yu (1610-1680)
3. Tiziana Lippiello
Leiden University
Auspicious Omens, from Mythology to Dynastic History
4. Sandrine Marchand
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
A Study of the Paop'utzu Waip'ien
5. Robert John Neather
University of Cambridge
A Stylistic Study of the T'ang Personal Fu
E. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Nicola Di Cosmo
University of Cambridge
Ch'ing Administration in Central Asia in the Early 19th Century
2. Frederic Obringer
College de France
An Historical and Anthropological Study of Cosmetics and Ferfumes in Imperial China
3. Sybesma Rint
Leiden University
Subject in Mandarin Chinese
4. Alexei Volkov
College de France
Philosophical Background of Ancient Chinese Mathematics
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grant
1. Australian National University
Jonathan Unger
Taiwan Area Studies Program
2. University of Waikato
K. G. Henshall
Lectureship in Chinese Studies
B. Subsidy for Publication Grant
1. Oriental Ceramics Society of the Philippines
Rita Liong-yu Ching
Chinese and Southeast Asian White Wares Found in the Philippines