Grant Recipients, 1989-1990
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Min-cheng Chang
Taiwan Provincial Family Planning Institute
Social Changes in Taiwan, the Family and Reproductivity
2. Yung-tang Chang
National Tsing-hwa University
The History of Science and the Intellectual History of China
3. Hong Hsu
National Taiwan University
A Collaborative Research Project for the Collection of manuscripts on Taiwan History and the Compilation of a Bibliography on Colonial Taiwan History
4. Kuo-tai Hu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Chinese Law and Criminal Punishment
5. Cheng-shu Kao
Tunghai University
The Social Foundation of Medium and Small Business in Taiwan
6. Chi-yuan Liang
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
An Analysis of the Overall Effectiveness and the Cost Effectiveness of Taiwan Environmental Protection Policy
B. Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
1. Council of Cultural Planning and Development
Conference on Chinese Literature and Translation
2. Fu-jen University
Nicolas Kang
Second International Conference on Religion and Literature
3. National Cheng-chi University
Da-Hsien Si Tu
The Taiwan Experience in the Internationalization of Enterprises
4. National Taiwan University
Yen Hwa
Structure Changes in the Developing Countries
5. Taiwan Normal University
Wu-tien Wu
Series of Conference on Special Education
6. Tamkang University
Jui-teng Li
Chinese Literature in Southeast Asia
C. Publication Subventions
1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Eva Huang
Renditions: Special Issue on Contemporary Taiwan Literature
2. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Eva Huang
Contemporary Women Writers: Hong Kong & Taiwan a Renditions Paperback(Translation)
3. Chung-Hwa Institute for Economic Research
Sou-chieh Chiang
The Economics Development of the Republic of China in Taiwan
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Brown University
James Wrenn
Development of Faculty Resources in Chinese Studies
2. Carleton College
Elizabeth McKinsey
Program in Chinese Studies
3. Columbia University
Gerald Fetner
Establishing a Term Chair in Oriental Humanities to Honor Professor William de Bary
4. Cornell University
Charles Peterson
Enhancement of Research and Teaching Capabilities in Chinese Studies at Cornell University
5. Florida State University
Anthony Koo
Seed Money to Initiate Two One-Semester Courses
6. George Washington University
James Millar
Institutional Enhancement Projects
7. Harvard University
Eugene Wu
The Acquisition of the 25 Dynasties Historical Database
8. Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Chi-chiang Huang
Supporting the Journal of Ming Studies
9. Journal of Chinese Linguistics
Zhongwei Shen
Enhancement of the Journal of Chinese Linguistics
10. Michigan State University
Jack Williams
Strengthening of Taiwan Studies Group, AAS
11. Michigan State University
Jack Williams
Enhancement Proposal on Chinese Studies
12. Northern State University
Richard Chuang
First Step Toward a Chinese Studies Program
13. Society for Qing Studies
James Lee
Research and Publication on Late Imperial China
14. Stanford University
Lyman Van Slyke
Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies in Taipei, Administered by Stanford
15. University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Michael Kelly
Strengthening Chinese Curriculum and Chinese Law Collection at Law School
16. University of Pittsburgh
Keith Brown
Preliminary Proposal: Institutional Enhancement on Chinese Studies
17. University of Virginia
Ronald Dimberg
Chinese Studies Program
B. Research Grants
1. Ling-yeong Chiu
Instituto Universitario Oriental, Rome
Encyclopedia of Chinese History and Culture
2. John Fei
Yale University
Economic Development in a Spatial Perspective
3. Gary Gereffi
Duke University
The Organizational Bases of International Competitiveness
4. A. James Gregor
University of California at Berkeley
The Reunification of China: Problems and Prospects
5. Shu-ming Huang
Iowa State University
Health and Healing in Rural Taiwan
6. Daisy Hung
University of California at Riverside
International Research Project in Chinese Neurolinguistics
7. Wen Lang Li
Ohio State University
Human Resources Development in a Confucian State: Taiwan 1965-88
8. William Parish
University of Chicago
Chinese Family Assistance
9. John Shoven
Stanford University
Comparative Studies of Financial Markets and the Cost of Capital
10. Margaret Mian Yan Sung
Indiana University
A Linguistic Survey of Taiwan/Fukien
11. Hung-chao Tai
University of Detroit
Modernization and Depoliticization in Taiwan
12. Pan Yotopoulos
Stanford University
Trade and Industrial Policies for Economic Development
13. Ann Yue-Hashimoto
University of Washington
Comparative Chinese Dialectal Grammar
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Julia Ching
University of Toronto
33rd International Congress of Asian & North African Studies
2. Edward Farmer
University of Minnesota
Seminars on Moving China to the Center
3. Wen Fong
China Institute in America
International Symposium on Chinese Glass
4. James Huang
Cornell University
Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics
5. Yu-ning Li
The International Society for the Study of Hu Shih
Hu Shih and His Friends
6. Wen Lang Li
American Association for Chinese Studies
The American Association for Chinese Studies Annual Seminars
7. Stephen MacKinnon
Arizona State University
Understanding Chinese Painting of the Nineteenth Century
D. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Jean Ann
University of Arizona
The Structural Properties of Handshape in Chinese Sign Language
2. Marie Guarino
Columbia University
The Lectures from the Classics Mat: The Impact of Historical and Philosophical Discourse on Government Practices in Northern Sung
3. Marta Hanson
University of Pennsylvania
Heat-factor Theories about Epidemics During the Ming and Ching Dynasties: Medical Scholarticism or Therapeutics
4. Emily Hill
Cornell University
Government Control of Industry Through Management of an Electric Power Plant in Guangzhou from 1930-1958
5. Tik-sang Liu
University of Pittsburgh
Occupation Specialization and Stigma in a Southern Chinese Oyster Raising Community
6. Margaret Maurer-Fazio
University of Pittsburgh
The Economics of Education in the PRC and a Comparison of Efficiency of Educational Investment in the Chinese Society
E. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Guy Alitto
University of Chicago
Local History of and Economically Peripheral Area:Wanxi During the Republic (1911-1949)
2. Donald Harper
Bowdoin College
Ma Wang-tui Medical Manuscripts and Classical Chinese Medicine
3. Victor Nee
Cornell University
The Peasant Economy of China After Market Reform
4. David Rolston
University of Michigan
Traditional Chinese Fiction Criticism and the Development of the Novel in China
5. Keith Schoppa
Valparaiso University
Arenas of Revolution: Shen Dingyi and Chinese Society 1916-1928
6. Ted Strickmann
University of California at Berkeley
Apocalyptic Literature of Medieval China
F. Bilateral Cooperation Grants
1. University of California at Davis
K. C. Liu
Davis-Nankang Project on Chinese History: Sinological and Comparative Perspective
2. University of Washington
John Haley ROC Legal Studies
3. University of Washington
Hok-lam Chan
Faculty Enhancement on Chinese Studies
G. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Hui-chen Chan
Georgetown University
Language Shift in Taiwan: Social & Political Determinants
2. Chun-I Chen
Tulane University
Underground Financing: Unregulated Banking & Finance in Taiwan
3. Chun-yin Chen
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Comp, Infl, and Reindexing in Universal Grammar
4. Ping-chun Hsiung
University of California at Los Angeles
The Everyday Construction of an Economic Miricle: A Case Study of Taiwan's Satellite Manufacturing System
5. Ching-chane Huang
University of Maryland at College Park
Opposition Movements in One-Party Dominant Quasi-Democratic Countries: Taiwan & Mexico as Two Examples
6. Shu-jen Huang
University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Becoming of Max Weber's Sociology: The Religion of China as a Key
7. Muo-ying Li
Stanford University
The Impact of Alternative Scoring Methods on Multiple True-False Items
8. Kuang-sheng Shih
University of California at Los Angeles
Theatrical Conventions of Yuan Tsa-chu
9. Fu-wen Tseng
University of Toronto
The Political Economy of China's Coastal Development Strategy: Domestic Politics & International Economic Policy, 1979-88
10. Dah-jyh Wang
University of Michigan
The Ritual Art of the Spring and Autumn Period - A Study on History and History of Art
11. Ming-chung Win
Rutgers University
The External Imbalance--the Case of Taiwan
12. Chan-liang Wu
Yale University
Modern Chinese Thinkers' Inquiry into the Nature, Limits, & Meaning of Western Knowledge Systems, 1917-1949