Grant Recipients, 2015-2016
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Cooperative Research Grants
1. Hsiang-Ke Chao
Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University, with Hsiao-ting Lin of Hoover Institution, Stanford University (USA)
“Transition and Transformation: The United States and the Making of Postwar Taiwan’s Economic, Military and Political Security, 1949-1970”
Grant amount: NT$2,100,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Shu-Wei Hsieh
Center for the Study of Chinese Religions, National Chengchi University, with Wai-Lun Tam of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“‘Research on History and Contemporary Local Daoism’ International Collaborative Academic Conference and Research Project Workshop”
Grant amount: NT$570,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Jui-Teng Li
Department of Chinese Literature, National Central University, with Songjian Zhang of Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
“Looking Back at 1949: Literature and History”
Grant amount: NT$350,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Chien-Ming Yu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, with Barbara Mittler of Heidelberg University (Germany)
“International Symposium of Modern Chinese Women’s History in the Digital Era”
Grant amount: NT$600,000
Grant period: 6 months
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Jose Eugenio Borao Mateo
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, with David Martinez Robles of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
“The Glances between Spain and China: A Century of Relations between Both Countries (1864-1973)”
Grant amount: NT$420,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Special Project Grants
1. Pi-twan Huang
The Taipei Chinese PEN
“The Taipei Chinese PEN -- A Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Chinese Literature from Taiwan”
Grant amount: NT$1,500,000
Grant period: 3 years
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Reza Hasmath
University of Alberta (Canada)
“Policy Innovation and Institutional Change in China”
Grant amount: US$14,494
Grant period: 1 year
2. Alexander Vadimovich Pantsov
Capital University
“Chiang Kai-shek Biography (The First Russian Edition)”
Grant amount: US$23,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Daniel Kaufman
City University of New York, Queens College
“Constituency in Formosan Languages”
Grant amount: US$9,740
Grant period: 1 year
4. Max Woodworth
Ohio State University
“Modular Urbanism: Policy Isomorphism and Spatial-temporal Irregularity in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: US$13,860
Grant period: 2 years
B. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grants
1. Jiang Wu
University of Arizona
“The Formation of Regional Religious System in Greater China”
Grant amount: US$24,862
Grant period: 6 months
2. Richard Vanness Simmons
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
“Workshop on the History of Colloquial Chinese -- Written and Spoken”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Paul Manfredi
Pacific Lutheran University
“Ekphrastic Assimilations: Contemporary Chinese Literati in Global Context”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Jie Lu
American University
“Dynamics of Youth Political Participation and Political Culture: A Comparison of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
5. Tina Lu
Yale University
“Xu Wei and the Cultural Frontiers of 16th Century China”
Grant amount: US$12,672
Grant period: 6 months
6. Zev Joseph Handel
University of Washington, Seattle
“Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Southwest China”
Grant amount: US$11,698
Grant period: 6 months
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press
“The Great Northern Wilderness: Political Exile and Re-education in Mao’s China”, by Wang Ning
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Jenny Gavacs
Stanford University Press
“Scythe and the City: A Social History of Death in Shanghai”, by Christian Henriot
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“The Social Lives of Inkstones: Craftsmen and Scholars in Early-Qing China”, by Dorothy Ko
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press (Canada)
“Layers and Spaces of the State: Non-government Organisations and the Chinese State”, by Jennifer Hsu
Grant amount: US$4,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press (Canada)
“The Cool Mountains: Violence in Upland Southwest China, 1800-1956”, by Joseph Lawson
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Jonathan Fiedler
Columbia University Press
“Essays on Chinese History and Culture (Volumes 1 and 2)”, by Ying-shih Yu (With editorial assistance of Josephine Chiu-Duke and Michael S. Duke)
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Rural China on the Eve of Revolution”, by Stevan Harrell and William Lavely
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Rural Origins, City Lives”, by Roberta Zavoretti
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Two Centuries of Manchu Women Poets”, by Wilt Idema
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Scholar Grants
(a) Scholar Grants
1. John Christopher Hamm
University of Washington, Seattle
“Marvelous Heroes: A Study of Xiang Kairan’s Fiction”
Grant amount: US$18,184
Grant period: 1 year
2. Anthony Barbieri-Low
University of California, Santa Barbara
“The Many Lives of the First Emperor of China, from History to Myth to Popular Culture”
Grant amount: US$40,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Garret Olberding
University of Oklahoma
“Designing Boundaries: The Composition of Sovereign Space in Early China”
Grant amount: US$35,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Robert F. Campany
Vanderbilt University
“Dreams and Dreamers in Early Medieval China”
Grant amount: US$40,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Wei-cheng Lin
University of Chicago
“Performative Architecture of China”
Grant amount: US$24,500
Grant period: 1 year
6. Ming Wen
University of Utah
“Youth Development in China: The Role of Rural-Urban Origin and Residence”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Jin Lu
Purdue University
“Christianity and Chinese Spiritual Traditions: Chinese Catholic Intellectuals before Vatican II, 1912-1965”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Hooi-ling Soh
University of Minnesota
“New Approaches to the Study of the Discourse (Sentence Final) Particle DE in Mandarin Chinese”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Eric C.C. Chang
MichiganState University
“Political Corruption in East Asian Democracies”
Grant amount: US$34,992
Grant period: 1 year
10. Manling Luo
Indiana University, Bloomington
“Cultural Memory and Historical Miscellanies in Medieval China, 618-960”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Shiao Wei Tham
Wellesley College
“Verb Meaning, Sentence Structure, and Context: A View from Locative Expressions in Mandarin Chinese”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
(b) Junior Scholar Grants
1. Dominic Meng-hsuan Yang
University of Missouri, Columbia
“The Great Exodus: Trauma, Diaspora, and the Chinese Mainlanders in Taiwan, 1940s-2000s”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Jennifer Hsu
University of Alberta (Canada)
“China as an International Development Actor: The Role of NGOs and GONGOs”
Grant amount: US$14,550
Grant period: 1 year
3. Jessica Leight
Williams College
“Farm to Factory: The Impact of Quasi-exogenous Shocks to County IndustrialDemand on the Agricultural Transition in Rural China”
Grant amount: US$23,300
Grant period: 1 year
4. Calvin Hui
College of William and Mary
“Useless: Fashion, Media, and Consumer Culture in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Mujun Zhou
University of California, Berkeley
“Reconstructing Solidarity: An Inquiry into the Difficulties and Hope in China’s Civil Society Activisms since the 1990s”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Qiang Fu
University of British Columbia (Canada)
“Urban Transformation and Neighborhood Engagement in China”
Grant amount: US$19,800
Grant period: 1 year
7. Nancy Lin
Vanderbilt University
“Mannered Monks and Model Kings: Worldly Buddhists in Early Modern Tibet”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Kerry Ratigan
Amherst College
“China’s Postcode Lottery: How Local Governance Shapes Social Policy in China”
Grant amount: US$27,133
Grant period: 1 year
9. Nick Admussen
Cornell University
“World Censorship through Chinese Poetics”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Jade d’Alpoim Guedes
Washington State University
“High and Dry: Understanding a Major Cultural Transition on the Margins of the Chinese Himalayas”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Yu Zhang
“To the Soil: Redefining the Chinese Modern in Rural China, 1915-1965”
Grant amount: US$19,200
Grant period: 1 year
12. Yan Long
Indiana University, Bloomington
“Side Effects: The Transnational Doing and Undoing of AIDS Politics in China”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Seteney Shami
Social Science Research Council
“InterAsian Connections V: Seoul (2016)”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
F. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Hyunsook Moon-Chen
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Exchange Rate Policy and Policy Diffusion: Exchange Rate Regime Choices in East Asia”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Kevin Buckelew
Columbia University
“Pregnant Metaphor: Language, Practice, and Embodiment in Middle Period Chinese Buddhism”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Yunshuang Zhang
University of California, Los Angeles
“Porous Privacy: The Literati Studio and Spatiality in Song China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Xuejing Zuo
University of Houston
“Peer Effects, Socialization and the Development of the Gender Gap in Risk Preferences: Evidence from Rural China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Hanzhang Liu
Columbia University
“Individual Upward Mobility and Authoritarian Stability: Merit-based Bureaucratic Recruitment in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Zhenzhen Lu
University of Pennsylvania
“The Vernacular World of Pu Songling”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Patricia Chen
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Talk of Rights: Collective Bargaining and Legal Action among China’s Workers”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Chelsea Zi Wang
Columbia University
“Communication, Paperwork, and Administrative Efficiency in Ming China, 1369-1644”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Bo Wang
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“Cultural Conceptions of the Nature and Management of Solid Waste in Tibetan Southwest China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Le Lin
University of Chicago
“The Emergence and Transformation of China’s Education and Training Industry, 1980-2010”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Shenglan Li
Binghamton University
“Refashioning Care: Modern Nursing, Gendered Politics, and Embodied Experiences in Wartime China, 1900-1950”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Peng Liu
Columbia University
“The Way of Darkness and Light: Daoist Divine Women in Late Imperial Chinese Fiction”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Timothy Clifford
University of Pennsylvania
“Ancient-style Prose, Literary Anthologies, and Form and in Ming Dynasty China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Anne Rebull
University of Chicago
“Performing Aesthetics from the Stage, Screen, and Page: Xiqu Reform, 1937-1959”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Jin Li
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“The Age of Taming Demons: The Reassembling of Buddhism between Tibet and China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Yoel Kornreich
University of British Columbia (Canada)
“Authoritarian Responsiveness in China: Impact of Online Consultation on Policymaking”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. Jing Chen
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Anthologizing Culture: Publication and Reception of Ancient-style Poetry Anthologies in Late Imperial China, 1500s-1700s”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
18. Tao Shi
University of California, Los Angeles
“Household Economy in the Nanyang Basin, China, during 4000-3000 BC”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
19. Jinok Lee
University of Texas, Austin
“Subsistence Ecology in the Making of the ShangState, Eastern China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
20. Shiu On Chu
Brown University
“Reinventing the 5th Great Invention: The Rise of Modern Testing Regime in 20th Century China, 1905-1968”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
21. Oi Ying Irene Pang
Brown University
“Becoming Citizens: Construction Workers in Beijing and Delhi”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
22. Da Lin
University of Pittsburgh
“The Political Economy of Kun Opera in China, 1940s-2010”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
23. Lizhi Liu
Stanford University
“From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-commerce Growth in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
24. Jason Wu
University of California, San Diego
“Ideology and Public Opinion in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
25. Lei Qin
Washington University, St. Louis
“Newspaper Supplements and the Rise of ‘Organic’ Intellectuals: A Cultural Study of the Shenbao Supplement Free Talk, 1927-1937”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
26. Elizabeth Lord
University of Toronto (Canada)
“Rural/Urban Inequalities and the Making of a Green Oasis: The Politics of Environmental Knowledge Production in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
27. Fengming Lu
Duke University
“How Does Authoritarian Party Work: Recruitment, Co-optation, and Political Control of the Chinese Communist Party”
Grant amount:US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Ssu-Fang Liu
University of California, Irvine
“Experiencing China on the Road: Affective Travelogues and Bodily Epistemology”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Shiau-Yun Chen
Cornell University
“Emotion and Violence: Gender Politics in Late Imperial Chinese Famlies”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Wenyi Huang
McGill University (Canada)
“Crossing the Frontier between North and South in Early Medieval China, 386-534 CE”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Ben Pin-Yun Wang
Pennsylvania State University
“A Cognitive-Pragmatic Study on the Modal Verbs of Possibility in Chinese”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Tzu-Chi Ou
Columbia University
“China’s Urbanization from Below: Migration, Double Dwelling, and Freedom”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Yi-Ling Chiang
University of Pennsylvania
“Due Distinction: Becoming Elite in ‘Meritocratic’ China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Jing-Mao Ho
Cornell University
“Social Statistics, Categorization, and Nation-state Formation: A Historical Sociological Study of the Republic of China (1912-2012) Supplemented by a Cross-national Event History Analysis (1800-2000)”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. I-Hsuan Huang
City University of New York
“Coming of Age through Dwelling in Places and Negotiating Space”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Yi-En Tso
University of Texas, Dallas
“Locations for Emergency Shelters in Taiwan: A Policy Issue in Disaster Preparedness”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Wei-Ting Yen
Ohio State University
“Micro-Foundations of Asian Welfare States: Welfare Politics in Taiwan and Indonesia”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Yi-Chun Chien
University of Toronto (Canada)
“Long-term Care and Migrant Workers: Comparing Migrant Care Worker Policies in Taiwan and South Korea”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Po-Chun Huang
Michigan State University
“Effects of Reemployment Bonuses and Extended Unemployment Benefits in Taiwan: Theory and Evidence”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Humanities
1. Laura Jo-Han Wen (#1 in the Humanities Category)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“Screen Culture, Visual Power, and the Beyond: A Transmedia Archaeology of the Cinema in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945”
2. Sheng-Hsun Lee (#2 in the Humanities Category)
Pennsylvania State University
“Developing Narrative Competence: From the Chinese Classroom in the U.S.A. to Study Abroad in Taiwan”
3. Ting-Ting Chan (#3 in the Humanities Category)
Northern Illinois University
“The Aesthetics of Cultural Mediation: Transnational Family Discourse in Ang Lee’s Cinema”
(b) Social Sciences
1. Kuo-Hsun Ma (#1 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of Connecticut
“Bridging the Second Digital Divide? A Cross-National Comparison between
Taiwan, China, and the World”
2. Szu-Yun Hsu (#2 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of British Columbia (Canada)
“Reshaping National Economy: Trade Disputes and Hegemonic Struggles in Post-Cold War Taiwan”
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Lecture Series Grants
1. Curie Virag
Central European University (Hungary)
“The Human and the Sciences of Nature: Chinese and Comparative Perspectives”
Grant amount: €22,000
Grant period: 2 years
B. Research Grants
1. Ming-Sung Kuo
University of Warwick (UK)
“Unmoored from International Legality: Rights Internationalism and Taiwan’s Embrace of International Human Rights Law”
Grant amount: €40,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Franciscus Verellen
Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient (France)
“Gao Pian高駢 (822-887): General, Architect, and Patron in Late Tang China”
Grant amount: €75,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. Francoise Mengin
Sciences Po (France)
“Masking Statehood: Mechanisms for Challenging, Negotiating and Circumventing the International Sovereignty of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Comparative Perspective”
Grant amount: €35,000
Grant period: 3 years
4. Kun-Chin Lin
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia: Historical Legacy and Legal Foundation for Economic and Security Cooperation”
Grant amount: €51,000
Grant period: 3 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Cheng-tian Kuo
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies”
Grant amount: €18,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Hans Ulrich Vogel
University of Tubingen (Germany)
“Marco Polo Studies: Past, Present, Future”
Grant amount: €8,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
University of Vienna (Austria)
“Mao Zedong: Exploring Multidimensional Approaches to the Writing of Biography”
Grant amount: €18,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Johanna Hood
Roskilde University (Denmark)
“Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding, Theorizing, Researching and Engaging Tissue Economies in China”
Grant amount: €20,000
Grant period: 6 months
5. Sergey Radchenko
Cardiff University (UK)
“The Chinese Civil War and the Cold War: The Regional Impact”
Grant amount: €22,000
Grant period: 6 months
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Petr Valo
Karolinum Press, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
“Crossing Between Tradition and Modernity: Essays in Commemoration of Milena Dole?elova-Velingerova (1932-2012)”, edited by Kirk Denton
Grant amount: €4,600
Grant period: 1 year
2. Vivian Constantinopoulos
Reaktion Books (UK)
“Zooming In: Histories of Photography in China”, by Wu Hung
Grant amount: €6,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Gabor Kosa
Eotvos Lorand University (Hungary)
“China across the Centuries”, edited by Gabor Kosa
Grant amount: €6,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Brigitte Baptandier
Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative, LESC-UMR 7186 (France)
“De la lacune, le battement de la vie. Le corps naturel et ses representations en Chine”, edited by Brigitte Baptandier
Grant amount: €5,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
University of London (UK)
“Taiwan Cinema, International Reception and Social Change”, edited by Kuei-fen Chiu, Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley and Gary Rawnsley
Grant amount: €4,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Vibeke Bordahl
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (Denmark)
“Western Han -- A Yangzhou Storyteller’s Script”, edited by Vibeke Bordahl and Liangyan Ge
Grant amount: €8,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Roger Greatrex
European Association for Chinese Studies (Sweden)
“EACS 21st Biennial Conference and EACS Young Scholar Award”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Hilde De Weerdt
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Chinese Digital Humanities (C-DH) Summer School”
Grant amount: €45,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
European Association of Taiwan Studies (UK)
“European Association of Taiwan Studies -- Application for Continued Funding from the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (2017–2019)”
Grant amount: €35,700
Grant period: 3 years
F. Doctoral Fellowships
1. David Serfass
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
“A Study of the Nanjing Government as Part of the Japanese Occupation State in China (1940-45)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Lia Wei
University of London (UK)
“Rock-cut Caves in the Upper Yangzi River: Identifying a Stone Working Tradition (2nd to 3rd Century CE)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Ailika Schinkoethe
University of Tuebingen (Germany)
“Liu Zhiji’s Shitong and its Revival in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) -- Pacing Historiography Anew”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Verity Robins
University of Oxford (UK)
“Negotiated Authoritarianism: Older People’s Associations and Social Governance in Contemporary Rural China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Pui Lun Chan
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“A Cultural Biography of Peking Opera in Hong Kong”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Valentin Philippon
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
“Medicine in Chinese Historiography: Physician Biographies and Medical Anecdotes from the Twenty-Six Histories (Ershiliu Shi二十六史) (453 B.C.-1911)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Gesa Stupperich
Heidelberg University (Germany)
“‘Ordering the Age’ -- Terms of Political Discourse in the Qing Dynasty Imperial Statecraft Compendia皇朝經世文編 (1827-1903)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Ghassan Moazzin
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Networks of Capital: German Bankers and China’s Financial Internationalisation (1885-1919)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Anna Sawerthal
Heidelberg University (Germany)
“A Newspaper for Tibet: The yul phyogs so so’i gsar ‘gyur me long (1925-1963)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Lisa Bauer-Zhao
University of Hildesheim (Germany)
“‘Xiandai Yishu’ 現代藝術as ‘Modern Art’? On the Understanding of Modern and Contemporary Art in Taiwan’s Art Critique”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Justine Rochot
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
“‘Elder Gangs’: A Sociology of Retired People’s Socializing Places in Contemporary Urban China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Geoffrey Humble
University of Birmingham (UK)
“Narrative Constructions of Political Legitimacy and Statehood in the Yuanshi: The Reign of Ogodei Qa’an (1229-1241)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Emanuela Garatti
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Muchen (France/Germany)
“Cultural Exchanges between Tang China and the Tibetan Empire: A Study of the Chinese Influences on the Tibetan Conception of Kingship between the VII and the IX Centuries”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Chun Xu
Heidelberg University (Germany)
“Surviving the Dragons: A Water History of Yunnan (1253-1681)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Leo Kloeckner
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne (France)
“Framing Public Space and Controlling Urban Society: Visual Displays on the Walls of Beijing”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Barbara Witt
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Muchen (Germany)
“The ‘Nezha Legend’ in Fengshen yanyi: A Literary Analysis”
2. Lin Sun
University of Oxford (UK)
“The Economy of Empire Building: The Jurchen Commercial Economy and Trade Networks in the Early Qing China, 1583-1644”
G. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
1. Julie Remoiville
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
“Traditional Practices and Cultural Beliefs around Pregnancy in Urban China: Approach of the Gender Process in Contemporary Chinese Families”
Grant amount: €21,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Stephanie Homola
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
“Hand Mnemonics and Counting Skills: An Exploration in Popular Mathematics through ‘Treasure of the Palm (Yizhangjin 一掌金)’ Techniques”
Grant amount: €20,500
Grant period: 1 year
3. Pamela Hunt
University of Oxford (UK)
“Configurations of Masculinity and Realms of Agency in Post-1989 Chinese Fiction”
Grant amount: €42,000
Grant period: 2 years
4. Alice Bianchi
Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale (France)
“Representing Disasters and Relief in China: From the Late Imperial Period to the Second Sino-Japanese War”
Grant amount: €38,000
Grant period: 2 years
●Wait List
1. Fleur Chabaille
Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
“A Connected History of the Expansion of Foreign Settlements in China”
2. Irene Masdeu Torruella
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
“Identities on the Move: Intergenerational Mobilities between China and Spain”
H. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Kuan-jen Chen
University of Cambridge (UK)
“The Republic of China and the Establishment of a Maritime Order in Cold War East Asia, 1945-1979”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Hsiao-Chiao Chiu
University of London (UK)
“An Island of the Floating World: An Anthropological Account of the Everyday Life in Post-Cold War Kinmen”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Yu-Ming Liu
University of Bristol (UK)
“Is There a Confucian Tradition of International Thought in East Asia? A Critical Investigation”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Yung-Djong Shaw
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (Germany)
“Deterioration of Constitutional Values in the Context of Regional Integration: A Comparison of the EU and Taiwan”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Jyr-Jong Lin
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Rationality, Authority, and Coerciveness: A Reflection on the Normativity of Law and Discourse in Taiwan Social Movements”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Chun-Chi Hung
University of London (UK)
“Is the State’s Registration System an Appropriate Approach to Protect Traditional Cultural Expressions? A Post-Colonial Perspective on Taiwan’s Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Ya-Wen Yang
University of London (UK)
“Towards Democratic Citizenship for Temporary Migrant Workers”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Social Sciences
1. Hui-Ju Tsai (#3 in the Social Sciences Category)
Loughborough University (UK)
“The Neoliberalisation of Cultural Policy in Britain and Taiwan: A Comparative Study”
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Lecture Series Grants
1. Weishan Huang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Globalization and Religion -- Global Religious Networks from the East”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
B. Research Grants
1. Gunner Mikkelsen
Macquarie University (Australia)
“A Dictionary of Early Christian (Nestorian) Texts in Chinese”
Grant amount: US$40,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Denise Tse-Shang Tang
The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Hongkongers’ Taiwan Dream: Exploring Life Experiences of Hong Kong Immigrants Living in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$40,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Yanto Chandra
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Unpacking the Management Practices of Chinese Social Enterprises”
Grant amount: US$42,000
Grant period: 3 years
4. Wenwei Guan
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Copyright and Free Speech in the Web 2.0 Era: Hong Kong and Taiwan’s Parody Copyright Exception and Beyond”
Grant amount: US$40,000
Grant period: 2 years
5. Shiyu Louisa Wei
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Women Directors in the Taiwanese Film Industry: History and Development”
Grant amount: US$70,000
Grant period: 3 years
6. Kin Sum Li
Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
“Industrial Production and Unification of the Weight System in the Qin Empire”
Grant amount: US$52,000
Grant period: 2 years
7. Michael Haugh
Griffith University (Australia)
“Humor in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$60,000
Grant period: 3 years
8. Ming Sing
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)
“Explaining the Origins and Divergent Outcomes in the Sunflower and Umbrella Movement”
Grant amount: US$45,000
Grant period: 2 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Yuk Wah Chan
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Workshop on ‘Asian Migration and Diasporas: Mobility, Diversity and Development’ -- Expert Meeting and Book Series Launch”
Grant amount: US$22,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Chengxin Pan
Deakin University (Australia)
“Theorising China’s Rise in/beyond International Relations”
Grant amount: US$15,080
Grant period: 6 months
3. James D. Frankel
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“International Conference on Islamic Arts in Intercultural Perspective and Ethnographies of Islam in China”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Ming Chiu Lai
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Conference on the Studies of the History of Warring States and Qin-Han Periods: From the Perspective of Bamboo and Wooden Manuscripts”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 6 months
D. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Tien-Hsiang Huang
University of Tokyo (Japan)
“Japanese Concepts of Landholding in Early Colonial Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Yu-sheng Lin
Kyoto University (Japan)
“Yiguan Dao Beliefs and Practices in Thailand: A Consideration of Thai Social and Religious Change”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in Developing Regions
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Wei-lun Lu
Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
“The Language of Death in Contemporary Taiwan: Evidence from Condolatory Idioms, Presidential Eulogies and the Self-introductions of Undertakers”
Grant amount: US$24,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Maja Veseli?
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
“Religious Organizations and Disaster Response in Contemporary Taiwan and China”
Grant amount: US$24,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. Poh Chua Siah
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)
“Why do Students from Malaysia Chinese Independence Schools Choose to Continue their Tertiary Education in Taiwan?”
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Csaba Istvan Moldicz
Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences (Hungary)
“Economic Relations between Taiwan and the European Union”
Grant amount: US$9,000
Grant period: 1 year