Grant Recipients, 2009-2010
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Collaborative Research Grants
1. Marcus Bingenheimer
Dharma Drum Buddhist College, with John Kieschnick of University of Bristol (UK)
“A Critical, Digital Edition of the Song gaoseng zhuan”
Grant amount: NT$1,800,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Shu-juo Chen
Department of Human Development, Tzu Chi University, with Christopher M. Isett of University of Minnesota (USA)
“Nutrition and Well-being in Traditional China: An Anthropometric Study”
Grant amount: NT$2,000,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. Ting-ming Lai
Department of Information and Communications, Shih Hsin University, with Yong Tan of University of Washington (USA)
“The Age of Digital Convergence: An International Study on Chinese Media Usage, Sense of Community and Social Interaction”
Grant amount: NT$2,000,000
Grant period: 2 years
4. Da-chi Liao
Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, with Alexander H. Trechsel of European University Institute (Italy)
“Research Proposal: The Construction of the Taiwan Profiler”
Grant amount: NT$2,100,000
Grant period: 2 years
5. Feng-ju Lo
Department of Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Yuan Ze University, with Kazuko Sunaoka of Waseda University (Japan), et al.
“Building a Diachronic Language Knowledge-Base”
Grant amount: NT$3,500,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Yin-chang Wu
Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, with Masami Oda of Waseda University (Japan)
“The International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology”
Grant amount: NT$600,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Chien-wen Kou
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, with Xiao-wei Zang of University of Sheffield (UK)
“International Conference on Elites and Governance in China”
Grant amount: NT$1,000,000
Grant period: 1 year
C. Subsidies for Publication
1. Lennert Gesterkamp
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, with Patricia Radder of Koninklijke Brill NV (The Netherlands)
“The Heavenly Court: Daoist Temple Painting in China, 1200-1400”
Grant amount: NT$184,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Hong-zen Wang
Graduate Institute of Sociology, National Sun Yat-sen University, with Tak-wing Ngo of International Institute for Asian Studies (The Netherlands)
“Politics of Difference in Taiwan”
Grant amount: NT$300,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Special Project Grants
1. Cheng-hwa Tsang
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Grant amount: NT$3,800,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Karl Min Ku
Center for Chinese Studies
“The Chinese Studies Book Exhibition for the 18th Biennial Conference of the EACS”
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Li Chang
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
“The Chronological History of Chiang Ching-kuo”
Grant amount: NT$1,959,626 (each year)
Grant period: 2 years
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Huai-yin Li
University of Texas at Austin
“Jiang Tingfu and the Historiography of Modern China”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 2 years
2. Michael Paschal
Association for Asian Studies
“CIAC Small Grants Program”
Grant amount: US$50,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. Ching-kwan Lee
University of California at Los Angeles
“The ‘Labor Question’ of Chinese Investments in Africa”
Grant amount: US$26,400
Grant period: 2 years
4. Josephine Chiu-Duke
University of British Columbia
“The Discourse of Democracy and Nationalism in Taiwan - A Study in Intellectual History”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 2 years
5. Chun-juan Nancy Wei
University of Bridgeport
“Rationality, Misperception and Political Contexts: Cross-Taiwan-Strait Relationships as a Nested Game”
Grant amount: US$9,000
Grant period: 2 years
6. Kin-yan Szeto
Appalachian State University
“A Study of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan and Lin Hwai-min’s Choreography in the World’s Dancescape”
Grant amount: US$9,900
Grant period: 4 months
7. Jean DeBernardi
University of Alberta
“Tea Culture and Commerce in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: US$26,960
Grant period: 2 years
8. Xiao-rong Han
Butler University
“Exiled to the Ancestral Land: Refugees from Vietnam in China”
Grant amount: US$14,500
Grant period: 6 months
B. Conferences/Seminars/Workshops
1. Pamela J. Stewart
University of Pittsburgh
“Minority Groups and State Authorities: Case Studies from Taiwan and the PRC”
Grant amount: US$11,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Dorothy C. Wong
University of Virginia
“‘Cultural Crossings: China and Beyond in the Medieval Period’ Conference and ‘Digital Projects in Asian Art and Humanities’ Workshop”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. C.-T. James Huang
Harvard University
“18th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics in Conjunction with the 22nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics”
Grant amount: US$21,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Roderick B. Campbell
Brown University
“The Location of Chinese Archaeological Theory”
Grant amount: US$13,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Eric Fong
University of Toronto
“Immigration in Multi-ethnic Contexts: An International Comparison”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Christopher G. Rea
University of British Columbia
“Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang: A Centennial Perspective”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Richard Scaglion
University of Pittsburgh
“China and East Asia: Humanities, Social Science, and Public Policy. Developing Contacts between Nanjing University Institute for Advanced Studies (NJIAS) and the University of Pittsburgh”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Michael Nylan
University of California at Berkeley
“Chang’an 26 BC: Exploring the Ancient Chinese Capital of ‘Perpetual Peace’”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Ann Waltner
University of Minnesota
“‘Borderlands in Eurasia and the Americas: Comparisons and Interactions,’ August 2010 Workshop at the University of Minnesota”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
C. Subsidies for Publication
1. Christine Mortlock
Columbia University Press
“Sacred Economics” by Michael J. Walsh
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Lorri Hagman
University of Washington Press
“Writing and Literacy in Early China: Papers from the Columbia Early China Seminar” edited by Li Feng and David Prager Branner
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. T. David Brent
University of Chicago Press
“The Poetics of Repetition: Comparing English and Chinese Lyrical Poetry” by Cecile Sun
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. William M. Hammell
Harvard University Asia Center
“Picturing Heaven in Early China” by Lillian Lan-ying Tseng
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Clara Platter
Princeton University Press
“Yellow: A Short History of Racial Thinking” by Michael Keevak
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Nina Stritzler-Levine
Bard Graduate Center
“Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Ming and Qing Dynasties” edited by Béatrice Quette
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Stephen A. Cohn
Duke University Press
“Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century” by Angela Ki Che Leung and Charlotte Furth
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Alan G. Thomas
University of Chicago Press
“The Religious Question in Modern China, 1898 to 2008” by Vincent Goossaert and David Palmer
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Lorri Hagman
University of Washington Press
“Signs of Displacement: Representations of Cultural Space in Taipei City” by Joseph R. Allen
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year 8 months
D. Scholar Grants
1. Ming-cheng Lo
University of California at Davis
“Storytelling, Rational Deliberations, and Other Discourses: Beyond the Gridlock of Identity Debates in Taiwan?”
Grant amount: US$17,158
Grant period: 1.5 years
2. Ling-hon Lam
Vanderbilt University
“From Exteriority to Theatricality: Exploring the Spatiality of Emotion in Early Modern Chinese Drama and Fiction”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 14 months
3. Ralph A. Thaxton
Brandeis University
“Contention and Rule in Contemporary Rural China: Power, Memory, and Resistance under Reform”
Grant amount: US$35,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Tso-yu Calvin Lin
University of California at Berkeley
“From the Lessons of Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the U.S. to the Exploration of Default Factors of Residential Mortgages, the Risk Management of Mortgage Securitization, and Prevention of Potential Financial Crisis in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Junior Scholar Grants
1. Micah S. Muscolino
Georgetown University
“War and the Environment on the North China Plain, 1937-1945”
Grant amount: US$12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Bao-rong Guo
University of Missouri at St. Louis
“Microfinance Participation and Household Assets: An Analysis of Survey Data from Hutubi, China”
Grant amount: US$8,242
Grant period: 1 year
3. Ming-wei Song
Wellesley College
“Writing Young China: Youth, Nation and the Chinese Bildungsroman, 1900-1959”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Elizabeth Kindall
University of St. Thomas
“Viewing the Southwest in Seventeenth-Century China”
Grant amount: US$12,600
Grant period: 1 year
5. Victor Shih
Northwestern University
“Constructing Elite Political Stability: A Comparative Investigation of China and the Soviet Union”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Kuang-yi Wen
Fox Chase Cancer Center
“Needs and Experience of Patients with Breast Cancer in Taiwan: The Development and User Testing of a Narrative Psychosocial Intervention”
Grant amount: US$21,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Elaine Liu
University of Houston
“Impact of International Marriage Migration: Evidence from Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 5 months
8. Mark R. E. Meulenbeld
University of Wisconsin at Madison
“Rethinking the Novel: The Theology, Narratives, and Rituals of Ming Dynasty Exorcists”
Grant amount: US$22,500
Grant period: 9 months
9. Yudru Tsomu
Lawrence University
“Migration, Settlements and Community Formation: Han Chinese Immigrants in Eastern Tibet”
Grant amount: US$20,675
Grant period: 1 year
10. Alexei Ditter
Reed College
“Genre and the Transformation of Writing in the Tang Dynasty”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
F. Special Project Grants
1. Pauline Yu
American Council of Learned Societies
“CCK-ACLS Project for a Series of Scholarly Meetings, Conferences and Publications on ‘The Comparative and Cross-Cultural Study of China’”
Grant amount: US$447,630
Grant period: 3 years
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Szu-ching Chang
University of California at Riverside
“Dancing with/as/in Nostalgia: Nationality, Gender and Bodily Memory in Taiwanese ‘Traditional’ Dance”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. I-fen Huang
Brown University
“Gu Family Embroidery in Late Imperial and Modern China: From Women's Needlework to Culture Legacy”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Mei-yu Hsieh
Stanford University
“Viewing the Han Empire from the Edge - 2nd Century BCE to 2nd Century CE”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Hong-hong Tinn
Cornell University
“Tinkering with Computers, Constructing a Developing Country: The History of Digital Computing in Taiwan, 1945-1985”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Yu-tsuen Hsu
University of Alberta
“Transnational Network and Cultural Identity in a Chinese Diaspora Society in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Yu-ying Hu
Indiana University at Bloomington
“Performing Sexuality Transnationally: Debating the Mainstream Visibility of Female Non-Normative Gender Identity and Lesbian Culture in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Hsiang-ning Wang
Indiana University at Bloomington
“Identity on the Move: An Exploration of Taiwanese Adolescent Cross-Strait Transmigration, Education, and Identification”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Hsin-chao Wu
Harvard University
“Remaking Local Tradition: Exploring the Social Mechanism of Cultural Transmission through Comparing Three Villages in Fujian Province, China (1970s-2009)”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Yen-ting Chen
Harvard University
“Strategic Provider Behavior under Global Budget System: An Analysis of Collective Action Problem”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Cheng-yun Chang
Kansas State University
“Chinese Righteous War Tradition and China's Use of Force”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Tse-hsin Chen
Michigan State University
“How Do Electoral Systems Affect Representation?”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Hsiao-chi Hsu
University of Washington
“Why Does a Democracy Prefer Confrontation? Taiwan’s Foreign Policy toward China since 1988”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Tz-chun Cheng
University of California at Berkeley
“From Litigation Entrepreneurs to Social Entrepreneurs - Proposing a Public-Interest-Oriented Private Securities Enforcement Regime”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Humanities
1. Po-yi Hung (#2 in the Humanities Category)
University of Wisconsin at Madison
“Relational Landscapes of Tea: Markets, the State, and Ethnic Minorities in the Place-Making of Southwest China”
(b) Social Sciences
1. Yi-hsiu Kung (#2 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of Delaware
“Building Energy Governance in Global Cities - A Case Study of Shanghai’s Commercial Building Sector”
2. Shih-yang Kao (#4 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of California at Berkeley
“Garbage and the City: Historical Geography of Beijing’s Solid Waste Stream”
3. Yi-chun Lin (#5 in the Social Sciences Category)
Rutgers University
“The Transformation of Taiwan into a Structural Competition-State Facing China’s Integration into the Global Community”
4. Ching-yu Chang (#7 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of Florida
“Doing Gender, Doing Gendered Emotion: A Feminist Ethnography of Taiwanese Female Flight Attendants’ Work and Family Lives”
H. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Joyman Lee
Yale University
“The Study of Economics in Republic of China: Ties with the State and with Japan, 1920-1935”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Kristy Shih
University of California at Riverside
“Challenging Cultural Essentialism: Gender, Solidarity, and Constructed Meanings among Mothers, Sons, and Daughters-in-law in Chinese and Chinese American Families”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Chiew-hui Ho
Stanford University
“Tales of the Diamond Sūtra: Buddhism on the Ground in Medieval China”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Ya Zuo
Princeton University
“Capricious Destiny: Shen Gua (1031-1095 C.E.) and His Age”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Cheng David Chang
University of California at San Diego
“Huijia (To Return Home): Conflicting Meetings of Home and Freedom in the ‘Voluntary Repatriation’ of Chinese POWs in the Korean War”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Susan Andrews
Columbia University
“Replicating Replicas: The Conjured Temple Traditions of Mount Wutai”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Hsiao-pei Yen
Harvard University
“Discovering China: Science, Imperialism, and Nationalsim in Chinese Frontier”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Jennifer Fang
University of Delaware
“Beyond Chinatown: Negotiating Chinese American Identity in Suburban America”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Elaine Wong
University of Texas at San Antonio
“Visual Approaches in Poetry: A Dialogue with the Chinese Ideogram”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Misha Tadd
Boston University
“Heshang Gong’s Commentary on the Daodejing: Body-State Correlation and the Transformation of Daoism”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Joshua Hill
Harvard University
“Elections and Chinese Political Culture, 1909-1953”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Xiao-bo Lu
Yale University
“The Political Origin and Consequences of Inequality of Opportunity”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Jonathan Pettit
Indiana University at Bloomington
“Treading on Divinity: Saints and Temple Gardens in Medieval China”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Timothy S. Rich
Indiana University at Bloomington
“Institutional Effects of Mixed Majoritarian Systems: A Multi-level Analysis of Asian Electoral Reforms”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Joseph M. Segar
Stanford University
“The Grey City: Working the Fringes of China's New Urban Economy”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Jia-yao Han
University of Pittsburgh
“Global Vision and Intension: Chinese Encounters with the Nomads in the Eastern Zhou China (771-221 BCE)”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. Ke Li
Indiana University at Bloomington
“Seeking Divorce in the Countryside: Marital Grievances, Dispute Resolutions, and Gender Inequalities in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
18. Ming-ran Tan
University of Toronto
“Crisis and Hermeneutics: Wang Fuzhi’s Interpretation of Confucian Classics in a time of Radical Change from Ming to Qing Dynasty”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
I. Postdoctoral Fellowships administered by the Canadian Asian Studies Association
1. Xin Huang
University of British Columbia
“The ‘Taming’ of Maoist Women: Changing Representations of Gender in China in Personal Photo Albums”
Grant amount: US$17,532
Grant period: 1 year
J. Doctoral Fellowships administered by the Canadian Asian Studies Association
1. Anna Belogurova
University of British Columbia
“Minzuguoji: Nationalist Internationalism among Chinese Revolutions in Malaya (1927-1942)”
Grant amount: US$9,740
Grant period: 1 year
2. Fan Lin
McGill University
“Rethinking Historical Geography in Early Republican China through The Evolution of Chinese Geography”
Grant amount: US$9,740
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Frank Kraushaar
University of Latvia (Latvia)
“Research Center for East Asian Studies at the National Library of Latvia (support during the formative stage)”
Grant amount: €50,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Research Grants
1. Ian Taylor
University of St. Andrews (UK)
“Chinese Special Economic Zones in Africa: Catalysts for Development?”
Grant amount: €17,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Yik-chan Chin
University of Oxford (UK)
“Researching Law in Society in China: The Interplay between the Law and Media in Defamation Litigation (1992-2009)”
Grant amount: €60,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Philip Clart
University of Leipzig (Germany)
“Text and Context: Redemptive Societies in the History of Religions of Modern and Contemporary China”
Grant amount: €60,000
Grant period: 3 years
4. Christian Henriot
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
“‘Cities in Turmoil’: Historical GIS and Urban Life in Four Chinese Cities in the Late Qing and Republican Period”
Grant amount: €60,000
Grant period: 2 years
C. Conference & Seminar Grants
1. Richard King
University of Glasgow (UK)
“The Good Life and Conceptions of Life in Greek and Chinese Antiquity”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Halvor Eifring
University of Oslo (Norway)
“Cultural Histories of Chinese Meditation”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Melanie Trede
Heidelberg University (Germany)
“Living Legacies: The History of East Asian Art Reconsidered”
Grant amount: €14,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Volker Scheid
University of Westminster (UK)
“The (After)Life of Traditional Knowledge: The Cultural Politics and Historical Epistemology of East Asian Medicine”
Grant amount: €20,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Subsidies for Publication
1. Anne-Christine Trémon
École Normale Supérieure (France)
“Chinese in French Polynesia. Migration, Métissage, Diaspora.”
Grant amount: €5,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Stéphane Gros
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
“The Missing Share. Exchange and Power on Yunnan's Borderlands (China).”
Grant amount: €5,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Henning Klöter
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)
“The Language of the Sangleys: A Chinese Vernacular in Missionary Sources of the Seventeenth Century”
Grant amount: €3,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Adele Schlombs
Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne (Germany)
“New Perspectives in the Study of East Asian Art History: A Festschrift for Lothar Ledderose”
Grant amount: €6,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Patrice Fava
École française d’Extrême-Orient (France)
“Aux portes du ciel, la statuaire taoïste du Hunan”
Grant amount: €10,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Brunhild Staiger
European Association for Chinese Studies
“EACS Biannual Conference”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Brunhild Staiger
European Association for Chinese Studies
“EACS Young Scholar Award”
Grant amount: €3,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Brunhild Staiger
European Association for Chinese Studies
“EACS Library Travel Grants”
Grant amount: €30,000
Grant period: 3 years
F. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Shih-chen Chao
University of Manchester (UK)
“Toward an ‘Imagined Community’: Internet Fiction, Fandom, and the Flowing Identity in the Chinese Online Literary Sphere”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Jui-yin Chao
University of Manchester (UK)
“Translational Footnotes and the Positioning of Unfamiliar Literature: Translations of Angela Carter’s Fiction in Taiwan”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Wei-chung Cheng
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Merchant Prince and King’s Merchant: The Origin of Overseas Chinese Trans-National Entrepreneurial Network around East and South China Sea (1636-1683)”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Pei-chien Wu
SOAS, University of London (UK)
“The Freedom of Marginality: Negotiating Chinese Muslim Identity in Malaysia”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. I-chieh Fang
LSE, University of London (UK)
“Autonomy, Guanxi and Identity: Learning Exchange while Growing Up in a Special Economic Zone”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Shao-yu Huang
University of Edinburgh (UK)
“Microspaces of the Network City: Multi-Scaling the Taipei Post-Metropolis”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Cheng-wei Liu
University of Cambridge (UK)
“How the Counterfactual Thinking Process of Chance Successes and Luck Influence Causal Judgment and Decision-Making: A Cross-Cultural Study”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Chun-wei Lin
Loughborough University (UK)
“Public Service Broadcasting in a Transitional Society - Lessons from the Taiwanese Experience”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Humanities
1. Yi-jui Wu (#1 in the Humanities Category)
University of Oxford (UK)
“Transforming Psychological Trauma in Post-War Taiwan”
2. Chih-i Lai (#3 in the Humanities Category)
UCL, University of London (UK)
“Crafting Taiwan through Design”
3. Chia-chi Lin (#4 in the Humanities Category)
Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
“Female-Headed Household in Eurasis Society”
(b) Social Sciences
1. Li-wen Shih (#3 in the Social Sciences Category)
Lancaster University (UK)
“Enacting Pleasure and Anxiety in Prenatal Screening and Testing”
2. Jo-ying Lee (#6 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of Siena (Italy)
“Political Culture and Democratic Support in East Asia and South Europe”
G. Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations and Postdoctoral Research
(a) Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations
1. Diana Fu
University of Oxford (UK)
“Caught by the State, Market, and Donor: The Political Transformation of Labour Organizations in The People’s Republic of China”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Sylvie Beaud
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France)
“Fossils on Parade. Nuo Opera and the Making of Local Identity among the Yangzong People (Yunnan)”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Jin Cao
Universität Tübingen (Germany)
“Copper Mining and Minting in Sichuan 1700-1900: Effects on Regional Economy and Society”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Georges Favraud
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France)
“A Rural Community and its Taoist Masters, in the Construction of Chinese Modernity (Liling, Hunan)”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Aurore Dumont
École Pratique des Hautes Études (France)
“The Tungus of China: A Comparative Study of Domestic Economy and ‘Folklorized’ Shamanic Rituals”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Kristin Meier
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Tosu: A Tibeto-Burman Language of Southwestern Sichuan, China”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. John Givens
University of Oxford (UK)
“Suing Dragons: How and Why are Lawyers Suing the Chinese Government?”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Michael Stanley-Baker
UCL, University of London (UK)
“Daoists as Doctors - The Role of Medicine in Six Dynasties Shangqing Daoism”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Yun-ysi Siew
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Biological Change, Health, and Labour Pattern in the Holocene China”
2. Florence Lévy
University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
“Gender Influence on Migratory Projects and Trajectories of Migrants from Northern China in Paris”
(b) Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research
1. Albert Galvany
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Thinking from Exclusion: Monsters and Exceptional Beings in the Zhuangzi”
Grant amount: €34,000
Grant period: 2 years
2. Gábor Kósa
Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
“Interpretation of New Chinese Manichaean Discoveries”
Grant amount: €34,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
“Jesuit Medicine at the Kangxi Court and Beyond: The Appropriation of Foreign Medical Knowledge in Qing China”
Grant amount: €34,000
Grant period: 2 years
4. Lara Maconi
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
“Quid of the Ancient Buddhist Kingdom of Muli? Traditions and Modernities, Plurality and Identity Issues in Muli Modern Cultural Production: A Study in Agency and Representation”
Grant amount: €18,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Yun-chung Li
University of Oxford (UK)
“Buddhist External Learning in the Northern Song China: A Case Study of Qisong’s Secular Works”
Recipients in the East European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Library Acquisitions
1. Loreta Poškaitė
Vilnius University (Lithuania)
“Library Acquisition for the Library of Centre of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University”
Grant amount: €3,000
Grant period: 1 year
B. Visiting Professorships
1. Raoul David Findeisen
Comenius University (Slovakia)
“Zhang Ailing under the Perspective of Modern Chinese Literature”
Grant amount: €3,400
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Monica Esposito
Kyoto University (Japan)
“Canonical Texts of Ming and Qing Daoism: The Daozang jiyao and the Role of Lay and Clerical Authorities”
Grant amount: US$80,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. David C. Schak
Griffith University (Australia)
“The Development of Civility in Chinese Society”
Grant amount: US$40,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. Yuk-wah Chan
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR)
“Chinese or Vietnamese? The Chinese Vietnamese Diaspora in Vietnam”
Grant amount: US$12,900
Grant period: 1.5 years
4. Daniel Chew
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia)
“Hakkas in Engkilili, Malaysia; History, Identity and Community”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Gunner B. Mikkelsen
Macquarie University (Australia)
“China and the Roman East”
Grant amount: US$29,000
Grant period: 2 years
6. Nae-young Lee
Korea University (Korea)
“Searching for the Historical Lesson from Comparative Studies between Cross-Strait Relations and Inter-Korean Relations: History, Society, Politics, Economy, and Security”
Grant amount: US$50,000
Grant period: 2 years
7. Juan Chen
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong SAR)
“Migration Dynamics and Migrant Integration: Constructing Longitudinal Multi-Level Data on Mainland China”
Grant amount: US$42,500
Grant period: 2 years
B. Conference & Seminar Grants
1. Richard M. Walker
The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Reform and Transition in Public Administration Theory and Practice in Greater China”
Grant amount: US$14,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Ming-chiu Lai
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Conference on ‘Institutions and Social Order in the Han Empire (206 B.C. - A.D. 220)’”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Philip J. Ivanhoe
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR)
“Confucian and Liberal Perspectives on Family, State, and Civil Society”
Grant amount: US$19,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Tana Li
The Australian National University (Australia)
“Vietnam, China and Chinese in Vietnam: New Research on Chinese in Vietnam, from the Earliest Times until the Present”
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Yang Liu
Art Gallery of New South Wales (Australia)
“International Symposium on Innovations and Creativity in Ancient Qin”
Grant amount: US$19,000
Grant period: 1 year
C. Subsidies for Publication
1. Rafe de Crespigny
The Australian National University (Australia)
“Imperial Warlord: A Biography of Cao Cao, 155-220 AD”
Grant amount: US$2,300
Grant period: 1 year
D. Special Project Grants
1. Billy Kee-long So
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR)
“CUHK-CCK Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (continuation)”
Grant amount: US$375,000
Grant period: 5 years
E. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Chao-min Cheng
Tokyo University (Japan)
“A Study of the Changing Styles of Taiwan’s Public Buildings during Japanese Period - Focusing on the Constructions by the Construction and Repair Department in the Office of Taiwan Governor-General”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
Social Sciences
1. Yao-chung Chang (#1 in the Social Sciences Category)
The Australian National University (Australia)
“Regulatory Responses to Cybercrime and Information Security Problems across the Taiwan Strait”