Grant Recipients, 2005-2006
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Bilateral Cooperative Research Grant
1. Jinn-yuh Hsu
National Taiwan University
“Institutional Frameworks in International Trade: Subcontracting between Taiwan and Canada”
Grant amount: NT$ 1,900,000
Grant Period: 2 years
2. Ch’iu-kuei Wang
Soo-chou University
“A Comparative Study of Chinese Local Society in Historical Perspective: Lineage, Ritual, Economy and Material Culture in the Chinese Village”
Grant amount: NT$ 4,000,000
Grant Period: 3 years
3. Liang-chun Chen
National Taiwan University
“Natural Disaster and Social Vulnerability: A Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction Perspective”
Grant amount: NT$ 2,500,000
Grant Period: 2 years
4. Lau-fong Mak
National Tsinghua University
“A Study of Hybridized Cultures”
Grant amount: NT$ 1,700,000
Grant Period: 2 years
B. Bilateral Cooperative Database Grant
1. Tzong-shian Yu
Academia Sinica
“The Study on the Distribution of Land Ownership in Qing Dynasty: The Case of Lanxi, Zhejiang”
Grant amount: NT$ 355,000
Grant Period: 1 year
C. Bilateral Cooperative Subsidies for Publication
1. Jose Evgenio Borao
National Taiwan University
“Spanish Experience in Northern Taiwan (1626-1642)”
Grant amount: NT$ 700,000
Grant Period: 1 year
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. T.Y. Wang
Illinois State University
“Political Tolerance in a Democracy under External Threats: A Survey of Public Opinion in Taiwan”
Grant amount: $ 25,000.00
Grant Period: 2 years
2. Junhao Hong
State University of New York at Buffalo
“Web Media in Mainland China and Its Functions and Roles in Social Transformation and Democratization”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Jie Zhang
The University of Kansas, Lawrence
“Testing the Role of Phonetic Naturalness in Taiwanese Tone Sandhi”
Grant amount: $ 24,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Leo Y. Liu
Brandon University
“Taiwanese-Canadian Relations from 1970 to the Present: Implications, Prospects, and Hypotheses”
Grant amount: $ 19,500.00
Grant Period: 2 years
5. Tong Soon Lee
Emory University
“Music and Multiculturalism in the Chinese Diaspora: Cantonese Opera in Britain”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 7 months
6. Daniel Benjamin Abramson
University of Washington
“Echoes of Diaspora: Huaqiao Influence on Housing Policy and the Development of a Globalized Domestic Architecture in Quanzhou, Fujian”
Grant amount: $ 40,000.00
Grant Period: 2 years
7. Eric C.C. Chang
Michigan State University
“Electoral Realignment and Democratic Consolidation: Evidence from Taiwan”
Grant amount: $ 14,912.00
Grant Period: 1 year
8. Zhichun Jing
University of British Columbia
“Landscape Archaeology of the Huan River Valley in Anyang , China”
Grant amount: $ 39,940.00
Grant Period: 2 years
9. Shifen Gong
Bellarmine University
“Battle of Hengyang”
Grant amount: $ 10,000.00
Grant Period: 28 months
B. Conference Grants
1. Michael Knight
Asian Art Museum
Scholarly Conference: The Elegant Gathering: Art, Politics and Collecting in China
Grant amount: $ 25,000.00
Grant Period: 8 months
2. Banning Garrett
The Atlantic Council of the United States
Cross-Strait Strategic Reassurance
Grant amount: $ 25,000.00
Grant Period: 2 days
3. Richard Bush
Brookings Institution
Consolidating Taiwan’s Democracy: Challenges, Opportunities, and Prospects
Grant amount: $ 25,000.00
Grant Period: 8 months
4. Vimalin Rujivacharakul
University of Delaware
Collecting "China"
Grant amount: $ 9,780.00
Grant Period: 3 days
5. Zev Joseph Handel
University of Washington
39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages& Linguistics (ICSTLL-39)
Grant amount: $ 12,020.00
Grant Period: 8 months
6. Yi-Chun Tricia Lin
Southern Connecticut State University
A Plenary Panel on Taiwanese Women's Health in the 16th Annual Women's Studies Conference, "Women's Health: Colonized, Resisted, Reclaimed"
Grant amount: $ 7,794.00
Grant Period: 2 days
C. Subsidies for Publication
1. Jennifer Crewe
Columbia University Press
Cinema and Nation: China on Screen by Chris Berry and Mary Farquhar
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: Spring 2006
2. Patricia Crosby
University of Hawaii Press
Beijing Opera Costumes: The Communication of Character and Culture through the Costumes of Traditional Jingju, by Alexandra B. Bonds
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: 14 months
3. Michael Knight
Asian Art Museum
Scholarly Publication: The Elegant Gathering: The Yeh Family Collection
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: 8 months
4. Stephen A. Cohn
Duke University Press
Global Cinderellas: Migrant Domestics and Newly Rich Employers in Taiwan by Pei-Chia Lan
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: March 2006
5. Emily Andrew
UBC Press
Power Struggles, State Building, and Imagined Sovereignty: Tibet in Nationalist China's Frontier Intrigues and Ethnopolitics, 1928-49 by Hsiao-ting Lin
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: 2 years
6. Wendy. Lochner
Columbia University Press
Mystique of Transmission: On Early Chan History and Its Context by Wendi L. Adamek
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: spring 2007
7. Stephen A. Cohn
Duke University Press
Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History, edited by David Der-wei Wang and Carlos Rojas
Grant amount: $ 5,000.00
Grant Period: October 2006
8. Emily Andrew
UBC Press
Shaping the Modern Nation-State: Teachers' Schools and the Construction of Culture, Politics, and Gender in China, 1897-1937 by Xiaoping Cong
Grant amount: $ 6,000.00
Grant Period: April 2007
D. Travel Grants
1. Pingchao Zhu
University of Idaho
Wartime Power Politics between the Nationalist Government and the Guangxi Warlords, 1931-45
Grant amount: $ 1,000.00
Grant Period: 5 days
2. Alexander C.Y. Huang
The Pennsylvania State University
To give a plenary lecture titled "A Chinese' Response to a Global Text: Wu Hsing-kuo and His Lear"; To Present a paper on "The Chinese' Ethics of Appropriation"; To Chair a seminar on "Brave Old Worlds: Shakespeare Production and Reception in East Asia"; At the VIII. World Shakespeare Congress, Organized by the International Shakespeare Association to be held 16-21 July 2006 in Brisbane, Australia.
Grant amount: $ 1,000.00
Grant Period: 1 month
3. Ruey-Jiuan Regina Wu
San Diego State University
"Initiating Repair and Beyond: A Conversation Analysis of Two Repeat-Formatted Repair Initiations in Mandarin Conversation"
Grant amount: $ 1,000.00
Grant Period: 8 days
4. Zhongwei Shen
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Attending International Conferences at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan in May 2006
Grant amount: $ 1,000.00
Grant Period: 9 days
E. Visiting Fellowships
1. Doris T. Chang
Wichita State University
Recreating Women's Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan
Grant amount: $ 2,596.00
Grant Period: 22 days
F. CCK Scholar Grants (GS2)
1. Martin Kern
Princeton University
“Performance, Poetry, and Cultural Memory in Early China”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 10 months
2. Dingxin Zhao
University of Chicago
“Spring and Autumn and Warring States (770-221 BCE) Warfare and Patterns of Chinese History”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Chang-Tai Hsieh
University of California, Berkeley
“Sources and Barriers of Productivity Growth in China”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Jiang-Ping Jeff Chen
St. Cloud State University
“Evolution of Astronomic Trigonometry in China, 1570-1880”
Grant amount: $ 27,930.00
Grant Period: 1 year
5. John R. Shepherd
University of Virginia
“The Chinese Demographic Regime in Taiwan, 1870-1945”
Grant amount: $ 40,000.00
Grant Period: 10 months
G. CCK Junior Scholar Grants (GS3)
1. Sara L. Friedman
Indiana University
“Citizenship as Official and Everyday Practice: Chinese Marital Immigrants in Taiwan”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 11 months
2. Siyen Fei
University of Pennsylvania
“Negotiating Urban Space: The Making and Remaking of the Southern Metropolis in Sixteenth - and Seventeenth - Century China”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Shin-Yi Chou
Lehigh University
“The Structure of Hospital Market and Consumer Welfare in Taiwan”
Grant amount: $ 22,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Minghui Hu
University of California, Santa Cruz
“Rebuilding the Ancient Cosmopolis: The Life and Thought of Dai Zhen”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
5. Su-hua Wang
University of California, Santa Cruz
“Learning by infants in Taiwan and the United States: The role of Parental Beliefs and Practices”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
6. Michael Como
Columbia University
“Resonant Bodies: Medicine, Astronomy and the Heian Cultic Revolution”
Grant amount: $ 30,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
H. Dissertation Fellowships for PhD Students
1. Marietta Fa
University of Virginia
“Rape Myths in American and Chinese Laws and Legal Systems - Does Tradition and Culture make the Difference?”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Dan Wang
Harvard University
“The Politics of Fear: A Comparative Study of Political Terror in Mainland China and Taiwan in the 1950s”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
3. George Lawrence Israel
University of Illinois
“Civilizing the Southern Frontier in Ming China: The Intersection of Neo-Confucian Moral Philosophy, Ethnic Discourse, and Violence in the Campaigns of Wang Yangming”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Kevin Paul Landdeck
University of California, Berkeley
“Under the Gun: Military Service and Society in Wartime Sichuan, 1938 – 1945”
Grant amount: $ 14,340.00
Grant Period: 1 year
5. Jianhua Andrew Zhao
University of Pittsburgh
“Fashioning Change: The Political Economy of Clothing in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
6. Chuen-Yueh (Wendy) Li
University of California, Los Angeles
“Global Sourcing in Innovation”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
7. Martin Fromm
Columbia University
“Retracing the Steps Across the Pass: Re-Conceptualizing Migration to Manchuria, 1900-1937”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
8. Michael Gibbs Hill
Columbia University
“Lin Shu, Inc.: Making a Modern Cultural Icon, 1895-1937”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 9 months
9. David Dahua Yang
Princeton University
“The Social Basis of the Third Wave: Rethinking Class Politics in the Making of the Democratic Stat e in East Asia”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 10 months
10 Jeremy Brown
University of California, San Diego
“Chinese Socialist Inequality: Rural-Urban Difference in the Tianjin Region, 1949-1978”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
11. Michael A. Glosny
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Learning to be a Great Power: Domestic Debates in Rising Powers on the Meaning of Being a Great Power”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
12. Edna Tow
University of California, Berkeley
“Life under Fire: State and Society in Wartime Chongqing, 1937-1945”
Grant amount: $ 15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
13. Lane J. Harris
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Communications Matrix: State, Labor, Nation, and Culture in the Chinese Postal Service, 1896-1949”
Grant amount: $ 14,986.00
Grant Period: 1 year
I. CCK Fellowships Administrated by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Wenshya Jennifer Lee
University of Calgary
Chinese Canadian’s Political Participation in Canada : Sense of Self and Community
Grant amount: $ 18,892.00
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Desmond Cheung
University of British Columbia
The Social Use of Public Texts in Ming Dynasty Hangzhou
Grant amount: $ 8,554.00
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Hua Li
University of British Columbia
Coming of Age in a Time of Trouble
Grant amount: $ 8,554.00
Grant Period: 1 year
J. R.O.C. Student Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships Application
1. Hsiu-Wei Wu (胡修維)
Wayne State University
Prospects for the Stanislavski System in the Performance of Traditional Chinese Opera, with Special Attention to the Contributions of Mei Lanfang
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Yu-Ming Cheng (鄭玉明)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Influence of Face-to-face Mentoring and Electronic Mentoring on Novice Teachers' Classroom Practices in Urban Schools through an Alternative Certification Program
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Meng-Fen Michelle Hsieh (謝孟芬)
The Pennsylvania State University
Predicting Faculty's Post-adoption Behaviors of Innovations: The Influence of Profitability and Compatibility Factors in Higher Education
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Chih-Kuei Lee (李智貴)
Johns Hopkins University
Provider Participation, Patient Enrollment and Attrition in a National Diabetes Disease Management Program in Taiwan-Determinants and Policy Implication
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
5. Chung-Min Tsai (蔡中民)
University of California at Berkeley
Enlightening China: The Dynamics of China's Electricity Reform
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
6. Cho-ying Li (李卓穎)
Harvard University
Ecology, Politics, and Commercialization: Water Conservancy in Ming China
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
7. Liancheng Chief (漆聯成)
State University of New York at Buffalo
A Model of Incomplete and Complete Events in Mandarin Chinese
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
8. Shu-Juo Chen (陳叔倬)
Stanford University
How Han are Taiwanese? The Genetic Proportion of Plains Aborigine (Siraya) Ancestry Among Southern Taiwanese, and Implications for Taiwan Identity
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
9. Jui-man Mandy Wu (吳瑞滿)
University of Pittsburgh
Art and Identity: Tombs of Elite Foreigners in China During the Northern Zhou Period (557-581 CE)
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
10. Ching Keng (耿 晴)
Harvard University
A Misrepresented Indian Authority? ---A Re-evaluation of The Tathagatagarbha Thought of Paramartha (499-569 CE)
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
11. Hsin-chun (Tasaw) Lu (呂心純)
University of California, Los Angeles
Construction of the Musical-Self and Overweening Egoism Among Myanmar Classical Musicians in Modern Myanm and Its Diasporas
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
12. Neng-Mo Tu (塗能謀)
University of California at Berkeley
Challenges to Contemporary Patent and Antitrust Laws
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
13. C. C. Alex Chang (張傳賢)
University of Iowa
Politics of Defection: Re-investigating the Influence of Electoral Systems on Intra Party Relationships in Elections
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
14. Tsui-o Tai (戴翠莪)
University of California, Irvine
Poverty Gaps Among Age Groups: Taiwan's Case in An International Perspective
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
15. Hsuan-chu Lin (林軒竹)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Structural Agency Problem Under Credit Risk
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
16. Cheng-Yi Huang (黃丞儀)
University of Chicago
State-Building, Renovation of Administrative Law and Democratic Consolidation - How to Entrench the Rule of Law in a Transitional Democracy
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
17. Chia-Li Kao (高嘉勵)
Indiana University in Bloomington
Ambiguity And Ambivalence Of Imperialism In Japanese And Taiwanese Literature, 1895-1945
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
18. Chia-hsin Jimmy Hsu (許家馨)
The University of Chicago
Consolidating Democracy by Libel? --- Taiwan's Laws of Defamation as Checking Mechanisms of the Public Sphere
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
19. Chunchi Wang (王君琦)
University of Southern California
Lesbianscape of Taiwan: A Media History of Taiwanese Lesbians
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
20. Shin-Huei Wang (王馨徽)
University of Southern California
Checking The Independence Of Two Stationary Fractionally Integrated Processes, With Application To Foreign Exchange Rate Studies
Grant amount: $15,000.00
Grant Period: 1 year
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A.Research Grants
1. Ka Ho Mok
University of Bristol, UK
“A Comparative Study of Changing University Governance in Taiwan and Mainland China”
Grant amount: € 68,000
Grant Period: 2 years
2. Christian Lamouroux
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France
“Professional Cultures and the Transmission of Specialized Knowledge: Artisans and Merchants in Local Society”
Grant amount: € 92,000
Grant Period: 3 years
3. Riitta Kosonen
Helsinki School of Economics, Finland
“Taiwan’s Economic Policy towards Multinational Companies: Case of Nordic Investment in Taiwan”
Grant amount: €24,000
Grant Period: 1.5 years
4. Ian Taylor
University of St. Andrews, UK
“China's Relationship(s) with Africa: The Political Economy of a Fast-developing Connection”
Grant amount: €17,600
Grant Period: 2 years
B. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Nicholas Bunnin
University of Oxford, UK
“Topics in Comparative Ancient Philosophy: Greek and Chinese” (June 22-24, 2006, Oxford)
Grant amount: € 5,988
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Isabelle Rabut
Institut National des Langues et Civilizations Orientales (INALCO), France
“China and the Other: Cultural Mediations between China and the West in the Modern Era” (December 7-8, 2006, Paris)
Grant amount: € 19,200
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Francois Picard
Universite Paris IV-Sorbonne, France
“Arts and Humanities in the Painting ‘Luoshenfu’” (October 19-20, 2006, Paris)
Grant amount: € 25,000
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Hans van Ess
Institute of Sinology Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich, Germany
“Daoism and the Contemporary World: Daoist Cultivation in Theory and Practice” (May25-28, 2006, Frauenworth)
Grant amount: € 25,000
Grant Period: 1 year
C. Subsidies for Publication
1. Georges Metailie
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France
“The Warp and the Weft: Graphics and Text in the Production of Technical Knowledge in China”
Grant amount: €9,320
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Angel Pino
Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur l’Extreme –Orient, France
“Taiwan Literature: The Present Development of Research and Reception Overseas”
Grant amount: € 4,000
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Jacques Poloni-Simard
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France
“History of China: Identities, Lineages, Local Powers, Special issue of Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales. ”
Grant amount: € 8,138
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Christoph Anderl
University of Oslo, Norway
“Studies in Chinese Language and Culture-Festschrift in Honor of Christoph Harbsmeier on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday”
Grant amount: €4,800
Grant Period: 1 year
D. Senior Scholar Grant
1. Ruru Li
University of Leeds, UK
“Performing Beijing Opera: Negotiating Change in the Twentieth Century”
Grant amount: €25,600
Grant Period: 1 year
E. CCK Fellowships
(a) Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Bi-yu Chang
University of London, UK
“Mapping Taiwan after 1945: Cartography, Identity and Power”
Grant amount: € 28,000
Grant Period: 2 years
2. Sabrina Rastelli
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy
“The Yaozhou Kilns: Their History and Technological Development”
Grant amount: € 13,000
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Chuan-Hui Mau
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France
“Encouraging Sericulture in Late-Qing and Early-Republican China”
Grant amount: € 16,000
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Penelope Riboud
National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilization, France
“Transport and Travel in Pre-Industrial China”
Grant amount: € 18,000
Grant Period: 1 year
(b) Ph. D. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Ling Zhang
University of Cambridge, UK
“Social Economies and Environmental Transitions in Hebei between 755 and 1127”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Rossella Ferrari
University of London, UK
“Contemporary Chinese Avant-garde Theatre and the Work of Meng Jinghui”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Pui Pedith Chan
University of London, UK
“A Study of Landscape Painting in Shanghai, 1927-1937”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Stefania Travagnin
University of London, UK
“The Scholar-monk Yinshun and M?dhyamika Thought: A Re-statement of the the School of N?g?rjuna in the 20th Century Chinese Buddhism”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
5. Vincent Rollet
Institute of Political Science Sciences Po, Paris, France
“Chinese and Taiwanese International Strategies to Fight Against Epidemics in the Asia-Pacific Region”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
6. Dorothee Rihal
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot, France
“The Hankou French Concession”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
7. Mikael Mattlin
University of Helsinki, Finland
“Power Transition, Political Support and Politicisation: Politics in Post-liberalization Taiwan”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
8. Luke Robinson
University of London, UK
“The Contingent and the Real in China’s New Documentary Movement”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
9. Benedetta Mottino
University of Oxford, UK
“Jin Dynasty Tombs in Southwest Shanxi: Developments in the Chinese Representation of Afterlife Beliefs”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
10. Ablimit Baki
University of Durham, UK
“Language Attitudes, Language Choice and Ethnic Identity among Uyghur Students in Xinjiang, PR of China”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
F. R.O.C. Student Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
1. Jia-iuan Chin (秦嘉嫄)
University of London, UK
“Postcolonial Performances of Taiwanese Opera”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Wei-ning Cheng (鄭瑋寧)
University of Edinburgh, UK
“Experiencing ‘Capitalism’: Work, Time and Personhood among Rukai People in Taiwan”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Syuan-yuan Chiou (邱炫元)
University of Utrecht, Netherlands
“Searching for New Social and Spiritual Spaces: Heritages, Conversion/ Dawa, and Identities of Chinese-Indonesian Muslims”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Chen-yuan Lin (林振源)
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, France
“The Origins of Northern Taiwanese Taoism: Taoist Rituals and Local Society in a Minnan/ Hakka Region”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
5. Ching-chang Chen (陳慶昌)
University of Wales, UK
“The Taiwan Strait Imbroglio: Contending Realist Theories in Security Studies”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
6. I-hsin Hsiao (蕭易忻)
University of Essex, UK
“The Construction of National Identity in Taiwan’s Education: Social-Science Curricula after Lifting Martial Law”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
7. Jen-chih Yu (尉任之)
University of Paris I, France
“Cinema in China under Japanese Occupation, 1942-1945”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
8. Tzung-de Lin (林宗德)
University of Edinburgh, UK
“Japan Fuzzified: A Case Study of a Specialty Formation”
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
9. Chieh Wang (王 ?)
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
“Critically Comparing Theory of Family Law of the New Natural law, Confucianism and Difference Feminism: Male/Child-oriented, Male/Elderly-oriented Family Ethics and Family Law”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
10. Chia-chuan Hsieh (謝佳娟)
University of Oxford, UK
“Towards the Construction of an Artistic Canon: Publishing Art in England in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
11. Shu-chin Wang (王舒津)
University of London, UK
“Word Stress by Mandarin Learners of English”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
12. Chu-ching Hsu (徐菊清)
University of London, UK
“Norms of English-Chinese News Trans-Editing in Taiwan Newspapers- A Translation-oriented News Discourse Approach”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
13. Shu-lin Chiang (江淑琳)
University of Edinburgh, UK
“Digital Divide Policies in Developing Countries: A Comparative Study between Taiwan and China”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
14. Shih-chieh Chien (簡士捷)
University of Cambridge, UK
“A Study of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies in the Process of Writing English as a Second Language: A Cognitive Approach”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
15. Chi-chun Chiu (邱基峻)
Universitat Tubingen, Germany
“Surveillance and Collection of Private Individual Records/Information by Law Enforcement Agencies Prior to Having Definitive Evidence of Imminent Criminal Activity-comparison of Judicial Systems in Germany and Taiwan”
Grant amount: € 12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Anita Chan
The Australian National University, Australia
“Taiwanese Businesses, The Global Production Chain and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”
Grant amount: $77,700
Grant Period: 3 years
2. Xuan Binh Ngo
Institute fro Northeast Asian Studies, Vietnam
“Economic Cooperation between and Taiwan in the Context of East Asian Economic Integration”
Grant amount: $31,400
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Monica Esposito
Kyoto University, Japan
“The Daozang jiyao Project道藏輯要項目”
Grant amount: $90,000
Grant Period: 3 years
4. Guan Kin Lee
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
“Cultural Transplant and Construction of Chinese Communities: A Project of Document and Research on Singapore Chinese Communities”
Grant amount: $31,400
Grant Period: 2 years
5. Yueh-yu Yeh
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
“Hollywood Hegemony and Chinese Film: Analysis of Local Resistance and Global Assimilation”
Grant amount: $26,240
Grant Period: 2 years
6. Samuel N.C. Lieu
Macquarie University, Australia
“Nestorian (Jingjiao景教) Inscriptions from China and Chinese Central Asia - an Investigative Study”
Grant amount: $30,000
Grant Period: 2 years
7. William Hipwell
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
“Aboriginal Sustainability Networks: Fostering Knowledge Sharing among Aboriginal Peoples in Taiwan, New Zealand, and Canada”
Grant amount: $36,000
Grant Period: 2 years
8. Wai Lun Tam
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
“Religion and Society in Southeast China”
Grant amount: $37,000
Grant Period: 3 years
B. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Clara Wing-chung Ho
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
“An International Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History” (December 18-19, 2006, Hong Kong)
Grant amount: $18,000
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Tokio Takata
Kyoto University, Japan
“International Symposium: Dunhuang Studies in Transition: Inheritance and Development” (September 8-10, 2006, Nanjing)
Grant amount: $18,000
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Hsin Chi Kuan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
“Democracy at the Grassroots: A Comparative Study of Intermediation, Values and Citizen Politics” (May 2-5, 2006, Kunming)
Grant amount: $25,000
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Hung-lam Chu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
“Ming Taizu and his Times” (March 27-30, 2006, Hong Kong)
Grant amount: $25,000
Grant Period: 1 year
C. Subsidy for Publication Grant
1. Li-tsui Fu
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
“Framing Famous Mountains: Grand Tour and Mingshan Paintings in Sixteenth-Century China”
Grant amount: $ 8,000
Grant Period: 6 months
D. Senior Scholar Grant
1. Li Liu
La Trobe University, Australia
“Archaeology of China: From First Village to First Dynasties”
Grant amount: $30,000
Grant Period: 1 year
E. R.O.C. Student Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships in Australia, Japan and New Zealand
1. Chia-hua Lee (李佳嬅)
University of Tokyo, Japan
“The Transmission of Western Mathematics to East Asia in the Nineteenth Century”
Grant amount: $12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
2. Hsiao-chun Hung (洪曉純)
The Australian National University, Australia
“Neolithic Cultural Interaction between Taiwan, Coastal South China and the Philippines-the Origins of Austronesian”
Grant amount: $12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
3. Cheng-fa Hsieh (謝振發)
University of Kyoto, Japan
“A Study of the North, and South Caves at Northern Xiangtang Mountain: The Development of Buddhist Art in the Capital Ye of the Northern Qi (550-577) Dynasty”
Grant amount: $12,000
Grant Period: 1 year
4. Ling-chuan Wu (吳姈娟)
University of Sydney, Australia
“The legal Status and Functions of Teacher Organizations in Taiwan- a Policy Analysis”
Grant amount: $12,000
Grant Period: 1 year