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President Chu Took Part in the Fifteenth Annual Graduate Seminar on China at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Gave a Lecture to Celebrate the Foundation’s Thirtieth Anniversary

President Chu Took Part in the Fifteenth Annual Graduate Seminar on China at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Gave a Lecture to Celebrate the Foundation’s Thirtieth Anniversary

Jan 12, 2019 (Asia/Taipei / UTC800)
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Jan 12, 2019

President Chu travelled to Hong Kong to take part in the Fifteenth Annual Graduate Seminar on China, co-organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (CCK-APC) and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies (USC). As this event also coincided with celebrations of the Foundation’s Thirtieth Anniversary, President Chu gave a lecture entitled “The Global Significance of China’s Rise”, which was followed by a banquet.


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